In this workshop we will walk through building a functional reactive application w/o the aid of external frameworks, relying only on the capabilities of the JDK.
The URL to the event is Meetup JavaIL 255867803
What we want to learn is , how we can code in a functional and reactive way only using the JDK itself. So many different frameworks and libs are on the market. Even functional languages taht are running on the JVM. But often you can not deal with a complete different Collections framework or language only to have a more functional or reactive approach.
We will have a look at possibilities to code pure java in a functional / reactive way.
We will start with the functional aspects to make the code stateless and compact. After we reached this goal, we are ready to make it reactive..
First we will have a 30min theoretical part of the content we want to work with during the Hands On Lab. The slides are provided, plus ...
- inheritance and default impl in combination
- private methods in interfaces
Open the Class TaskV001_01 Question:
- is class Version_A a valid implementation?
- is class Version_B a valid implementation?
- is class Version_C a valid implementation?
- is class Version_D a valid implementation?
- is class Version_E a valid implementation?
If a class is not a valid implementation, fix it. Check the result of each implementation and debug the execution to clearly understand why it is exactly so.
Now we want to implement a few functions. Let´s assume we would have a class with a few methods..
public static class LegacyAdder {
public Integer add02(Integer value) {
return value + 2;
public Integer add05(Integer value) {
return value + 5;
- use the methods add02 / add05 to calculate the value 2 with 0 as input
- use the methods add02 / add05 to calculate the value 7 with 0 as input
- and create a method that is adding 7 to a value
convert the methods to instances of Functions - using an interface
- create an Interface with the name ConstAdder and define a method signature for adding
- define instances of ConstAdder for adding 2 and 5
- calculate the value 2 and 7 with 0 as input
convert your solution ; use the JDK Interface
- define instances of a Function for adding 2 and 5
- calculate the value 2 and 7 with 0 as input
- combining the Functions add01 and add05 with the method andThen(..)
- combining the Functions add01 and add05 with the method compose(..)
- on the fly constructions
- create an instance of the Function add02
- use the method
to add a lambda construct for to add the value 5 - use the method
to add a lambda construct for to add the value 5
- make a method that will create an instance of the needed function
- implement the methods
- implement the methods
- make a generic function that will create a Adder Function
- define a method that is able to create a adder Function based on the input value
Function<Integer, Integer> createAdder(int constValue)
- define a Function that is able to create an instance of a Adder function
based on the const value provided as input
Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Integer>> createAdderFunc()
- create an instance of adder02 and adder05 and adder07
- define a method that is able to create a adder Function based on the input value
- extend the JDK to have a TriFunction
- check how to BiFunction is implemented inside the JDK itself
- copy the implementation into your TriFunction and extend it to be a TriFunction
- Streams Hello World
refactoring, extracting repetitive code
- convert the
for (final String value : inputData)
into a forEach(..) solution on inputData. - convert both println of the values into a forEach solutions
- filter the inputData Stream for the needed values before the forEach
- remove the
and replace it with acollect()
using a groupingBy Collector. The result will be aMap<String, List<String>> resultMap
The twoList<String>
(resultDataA/B) are now initialised with the Map Values - make static imports for
- groupingBy
- toList
- and what ever you can find ;-)
- remove the two result Lists and iterate once over the result Map
- convert the
only if you have to much time
- make a parallel Stream out of it and group by into a Concurrent Map
- make the Predicate dynamic with a undefined list of key to group by
- Basic usage of the Result
- create a Result.success with the value hello
- map the value to Uppercase
- combine the Value with world - Result should be
s1 + " - " + s2
- print the result into System.out, if there is an exception (failed) print this to System.err
- extract the try catch blocks
- create a Function
Function<String, Result<Integer>> convertUnsigned()
- create a Function
Function<String, Result<Integer>> convertSigned()
- replace the for loop with a stream
- create a Function
- create a checked Function
- create an interface
Convert extends Function<String, Result<Integer>>
- define a method
Integer applyWithException(String input)
- override the method
default Result<Integer> apply(String input)
with an default implementation that is using the method applyWithException and is holding the try catch block. - create an instance
Convert convertUnsigned
- create an instance
Convert convertSigned
- use the new two new Functions
- create an interface
- convert the example into a linear list of decisions
- extract the inner if statement block int a function
Function<Integer, Result<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>
The class Pair is only a holder for two values.
- extract the inner if statement block int a function
- convert the if/else structure into a case structure
refactor the implementation
- slow method that is caching values in external Map
- transform to computeIfAbsence solution, asking the Map instead of the method
- extract a generic solution for an other type (Integer and String)
- functional memoizing solution
- for the fast: make it for a BiFunction / TriFunction - Currying
The first step t come to the reactive world is the switch from a direct value call to the observer pattern.
- implement the two methods
- register
- sendEvent
- check the output of your implementation -> see comments
- chaining Observers
- implement the method marked with TODO
- check the output of your implementation -> see comments
- Create an Instance
- create an ExecutorPool with a fixed size of four threads - named gangOfFour
- create a Supplier that will produce the value hello
- create an async
based on the Supplier and work should be done by the GangOfFour - wait for the result and print it on Screen
- shutdown the Executor Pool
Test the OO oriented Code , refactor it into a functional/reactive version and compare the possible line/branch/mutation coverage
Transform a BiFunction into a curried function Implement Memoizing SpeedUp the legacy code/method without touching the legacy code itself
remove the hashMap that is caching the values
Class with n methods that are throwing different exceptions
- use this methods imperative
- use this methods with a Stream
refactor the Decorator Pattern Example
ProxyBuilder - replace Factory and Strategy with Core Functional Interfaces
- refactor different implementations to factory and Strategy
- make a builder
- replace with Functional Interfaces from the JDK
indirect used
- static methods to create functions -- Adder Example