However, if you cannot click login go to settings->clear browsing data->cached images and files
added env
npm install
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install nodejs
npm install express
- Run
echo "DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true" > .env.development.local
in the project directory - Go to
and make a new developer account - Create an app and generate an application key
- Make a .env file and put this in it
- Create a new project on the Google Cloud Platform
- On the GCP, Click Create credentials > OAuth client ID.
- Select the Web application application type.
- Name your OAuth 2.0 client and click Create
- On the command line, type
npm install react-google-login
- Clear cached images and files in browser
- Run command in terminal (in your project directory):
- Run command in another terminal,
into the project directory, and runnpm run start
- Preview web page in browser '/'
Don't do the Heroku step for assignments, you only need to deploy for Project 2
- Create a Heroku app:
heroku create --buildpack heroku/python
- Add nodejs buildpack:
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
- Push to Heroku:
git push heroku main