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Pipeline bundle for Symfony.


Install bundle :

composer require jean-beru/pipeline-bundle

If you do not use symfony/flex, you have to add this bundle to your config/bundles.php file :


return [
    JeanBeru\PipelineBundle\PipelineBundle::class => ['all' => true],


pipelines defines all pipelines. The key defines pipeline's name.

pipelines.__NAME__.stages defines services to use as stages in this pipeline.

pipelines.__NAME__.processor (optional) defines a specific processor to use with this pipeline. See "What is a processor ?" section below.

Example :

      processor: 'jeanberu_pipeline.processor.event_dispatcher_processor'
        - 'App\Stages\RetrieveProduct'
        - 'App\Stages\UpdateStockProduct'
        - 'App\Stages\PersistProduct'
        - 'App\Stages\RetrieveProduct'
        - 'App\Stages\ExportProduct'
        - 'App\Stages\AddOne'
        - 'App\Stages\AddThree'
        - 'App\Stages\MultiplyByFour'

Inject pipeline services

Using service ID

All defined pipeline is added as a service named jeanberu_pipeline.pipeline.__NAME__.

With the previous configuration, we will be able to inject 3 pipelines :

  • jeanberu_pipeline.pipeline.update_stock
  • jeanberu_pipeline.pipeline.export
  • jeanberu_pipeline.pipeline.some_computations

Using autowiring

All defined pipeline can be autowired using its name PipelineInterface $__NAME__Pipeline.

With the previous configuration, we will be able to inject 3 pipelines :

  • Pipeline $updateStockPipeline
  • Pipeline $exportPipeline
  • Pipeline $someComputationsPipeline


Each service implements the League\Pipeline\PipelineInterface interface.

In this example, some_computations pipeline defined before will make some operations on the payload and will return it.


use League\Pipeline\PipelineInterface;

final class MyService
    private PipelineInterface $someComputationsPipeline;
    public function __construct(PipelineInterface $someComputationsPipeline)
        $this->someComputationsPipeline = $someComputationsPipeline;
    public function __invoke(int $base)
        // $base = 2
        $result = $this->someComputationsPipeline($base);
        // $result = (((2 + 1) + 3) * 4) = 24
        // ...

What are pipeline and stage ?

A stage represents a task to execute with a payload. It must be a callable. You can implement League\Pipeline\StageInterface to ensure that your stage can be called.

A pipeline represents chained stages. You can see it like a CLI command: stage_1 | stage_2 | stage_3. Each stage receives the previously returned payload. Since pipelines implements League\Pipeline\PipelineInterface which implements itself League\Pipeline\StageInterface, you can use it as a stage to make re-usable pipelines (a.k.a. pipeline-ception). Ex: stage_1 | pipeline_1 | stage_3.

What is a processor ?

To execute a pipeline, a processor is used. It must implement League\Pipeline\ProcessorInterface. You can use your own service if you want to.

If symfony/event-dispatcher is available, a jeanberu_pipeline.processor.event_dispatcher_processor processor will be available (see EventDispatcherProcessor) to dispatch some events :

  • JeanBeru\PipelineBundle\Event\BeforeProcessorEvent
  • JeanBeru\PipelineBundle\Event\BeforeStageEvent
  • JeanBeru\PipelineBundle\Event\AfterStageEvent
  • JeanBeru\PipelineBundle\Event\AfterProcessorEvent


Install dependencies :

composer install

Run tests :

vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run