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Linux Incident Management Scripts This repository contains basic Incident Response Investigation scripts. This scripts are mainly runs on Bash shell. These scripts are only tested on Debian based distros.

Table of Content

Users Managements

commands for investigating linux users activities, permissions and information.

  • cat /etc/passwd - List of Users Accounts
  • /etc/bash.bashrc - user profile setting
  • /etc/profile - also user profile
  • egrep -e '/bin/(ba)?sh' /etc/passwd - Lists of users who have shell access
  • cat /etc/group - List of User Groups
  • cat /etc/sudoers - Sudoers Accounts
  • lastlog - Most Recent Logins
  • last -f /var/log/wtmp - failed logins
  • last - Last Login Users
  • who - Current Login Users
  • w - Currently Logged in Users & Activities
  • sudo -l - Displays list of permitted commands
  • cat ~/.bash_history - Bash history information
  • cat ~/.viminfo - Information about who accessed vim

Network Settings Management Commands

commands to see netwrok configurations

  • ifconfig -a - All Network Interfaces
  • cat /etc/network/interfaces - Netwrok interfaces
  • cat /etc/hostname - Check the system hostname
  • cat /etc/timezone - Check the timezone of the system
  • more /etc/resolv.conf - DNS Information
  • more /etc/hosts - DNS Information
  • netstat -antup - Active Network Connections
  • iptables -L -n -v - Show All Iptables Rules
  • route -n - Show Routing Table in numeric form
  • ss -tuln - Listening Ports & Connections
  • arp -vn - to see the ARP table

System Resources Commands

commands to see linux system resources

  • top - Linux System Tasks
  • uptime - System uptime
  • ps aux - Currently Running Processes
  • free -m - Memory Usage in MB
  • cat /proc/mounts - Display mounted File System
  • df -h - free disk space(Hard Disk) on all the file systems
  • vmstat -a - statistics for system processes, memory, swap, I/O, and the CPU
  • lsof - list of all the open files and processes
  • ls /etc/rc* - lists of bootup services
  • cat /etc/*release - Displays Os version details

Processes & Services Commands

commands for linux system processes & services

  • ps -ef - All Running Processes
  • pstree -p - Process Tree with PIDs
  • ps -axjf - Show Running Processes in a Tree-like Format
  • top -n 1 - Top Processes
  • ls /etc/init.d - startup process
  • service --status-all - List of all services
  • chkconfig --list - List of all services & current state
  • systemctl list-units --type=service - List of running services
  • jobs - list of background jobs
  • cat /etc/crontab - Displays running cron jobs
  • ls -la /etc/cron.d - Displays software package used for specified cron job

Logs Entries Management

commands for logs entries

  • cat /var/log/messages - System Messages Logs
  • cat /var/log/auth.log - Users Authentication Logs
  • cat /var/log/auth.log* | grep -i COMMAND - sudo command execution
  • cat /var/log/boot.log - System Boot Logs
  • cat /var/log/dmesg - Kernel Ring Buffer Logs
  • cat /var/log/kern.log - kernel logs
  • /var/log/syslog - Syslogs messages

System Security Status script

This script performs a series of checks to ensure the system is secure and compliant with security best practices. It checks for:

  • Firewall configuration
  • System updates and patches
  • SSH configuration
  • SELinux configuration
  • System logs
  • Network configuration
  • System users and groups
  • File system permissions -script name

Note that this script is just a starting point and may need to be modified to fit the specific needs of your system and security requirements.

Running the Scripts

make sure the required permissions for this script is given & add execution permissions for this script. Do following steps after downloading the scripts.

chmod +x


This incident response scripts are basic form of investigations and can modify based on scenario. Do more Practice and Expert it!.
Contributed By - Jord@n


Linux Incident Management Scripts






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