Examples illustrating how to use the Box Python SDK
This repository contains several IPython notebooks illustrating how to use the Box Python SDK.
Each notebook can be viewed online using IPython's notebook viewer, and each can be downloaded for the full interactive experience.
- [Intro](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/urls/raw.github.com/Jeff-Meadows/box-python-sdk-examples/master/Box Python SDK.ipynb)
- [Metadata]
In order to run the notebooks, a little bit of setup is required. The notebooks were written using Python 2.7, but they should work with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, or 3.4, or with PyPy. I suggest creating a new virtualenv and typing:
pip install boxsdk ipython[all]
This will install the Box Python SDK and IPython Notebook into your virtualenv. Then simply type:
ipython notebook
This will launch a web browser to the IPython notebook running from your desktop. You can then open and interact with any notebook that you've downloaded.