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FT HODO Calibration Using HIPO

lamya edited this page Mar 2, 2019 · 13 revisions

How to run the program

To download, compile and run the program, refer to the following instructions:

  • get a recent version of coatjava from the distribution site at
    by following the instruction that is written there.

  • get the calibration code from the git repository: git clone

  • compile the calibration code:

    cd clas12calibration-ft ./

    if the build success you have to see a folder called (lib) which contains jar files for each of the FT calibration projects.

  • launch the cosmic calibration code as follow:


    The main panel will show up:


    Clicking on the button located on the bottom of the right panel, you can:

    • E: open an hipo file

    • ET: connect to the ET ring (if running on-line)

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    or, using the menu File on the left top corner of the left panel you can:

    • Load files: (FUNCTIONALITY TO COME) download multiple files for the analysis;

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    • Open histogram file: (FUNCTIONALITY TO COME) download a file containing results of a previous analysis (if you want adjust fits after). The Summary table is updated with values from the file.)

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    (FUNCTIONALITY TO COME) It is also possible to download a set of histograms to be used as a 'reference' and compare to current analysis (File -> Load reference). In this case no adjustment on the fits is possible and previous values are not uploaded into the Summary table.

    Results of the analysis are automatically stored in a table visible in the Table tab.