In this workshop we'll learn about building and deploying a simple front-end application.
We'll look at the infrastructure of deploying an app to production and not the app itself.
- Git must be installed and available on command line
git --version
in a terminal should not produce an error.- Install Git if you don't have it.
- Node.js with npm must be installed and available on command line
node -v
andnpm -v
in a terminal should not produce an error.- You should have a Node.js version 10 or later and npm version 6 or later.
- Install Node.js LTS if you don't have it.
- A good text editor of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom or SublimeText. If you don't have a favorite already, we recommend Visual Studio Code.
- If you are completely new to JavaScript, it is recommended to explore and test the language beforehand.
❗ Although you have this
file on your computer it's easier to read it on GitHub, so we recommend you keep this page open in a web browser with the exercise tasks.
- Exercise 1 (Start here)
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5 (bonus)
Have fun! And remember to ask an instructor if you're stuck.
✏️ - A task you should do
📖 - A section of text to read (no tasks, just information).
💡 - Additional information.
❗ - Something important.
❓ - Open-ended question for the reader ("What do you think would happen if...")
💩 - Bad practice (don't-do-this)
⭐ - A bonus task (not required)
Will look like this:
Emphasizes how lines of text should change.
- this text was removed
+ and replaced with this text