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Team C - UNO


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Build and Start

PostgresQL 16.2

Node.js 20.11.1 or above

Clone the repository to your local machine.

Navigate to the project directory Team-C-unogame-csc667/in your terminal

npm install install dependencies

npm run dev build & start in development mode, watching all source files for changes, then rebuild & restart

npm run build build the project

npm run start start the server

npm run format format code

npm run prepare install Husky pre-commit hooks

Port: 3333 or defined in .env

Database Management

npm run db reset & update database schema ( will delete all data )

npm run db:create your_migration_name create a new migration file with the name you give it

npm run db:migrate update database schema, runs all up migrations from the current state

npm run db:rollback revert database schema, runs a single down migration (alternative option: npm run db)