Releases: Jochyoua/MagicBeam
Releases · Jochyoua/MagicBeam
Minor update 1.4
- Split main class into separate packages so it's easier to navigate now
- Fixed the code so that now it shouldn't be possible to take damage while on a beacon block or while being in the air after a beacon block makes you fly.
- You won't take damage until you hit the ground, after that it's fair game for all the fall damage ;)
- New commands
- /MagicBeam list - now lists out the current BeaconBlocks
- /MagicBeam info <ID> - now lists out information about the ID of that certain beacon block
- /MagicBeam set <ID> <x/y/z or sx/sy/sz>
- This changes the vectors of that certain beacon block
- sx, sy and sz are shortened for Sneaking, so these are the variables that are called when a user is holding shift while stepping on a beacon block
- The value that is means that the asked for variable must be able to parse into a Double, so regular strings won't work.
- (0.0 or 0 is valid but 0.0.0 or abc isn't)
- Other various changes I can't seem to recall at the moment
- Because of a recent ID change, all beacon blocks must be re-set in order for them to stay valid. The old ID method was just the X value of where the beacon block was located, but now it's been changed to both the X and the Y value of the block's location put together.
Goodnight all! :)
Minor update 1.3
- You now have the ability to change the type of block to listen for
- This means that you can now make it so certain blocks like pressure plates can be used instead of beacon blocks.
- Fixed issue where players were being kicked for flying too long
Minor update 1.2
A few more bug fixes :)
- Disabled fall damage while inside of a beam/floating until a player hits the ground once, then it is removed.
- Re-added sound, check below
- Now there are two sounds, first is the entering sound and second is the leaving sound. Both can be disabled by replacing their variables with "none"
- Numerous fixes including more permission fixes
- Fixed sound being played constantly
Sounds can be found here: enjoy!
MagicBeam V1.1
Just a quick update to fix a few things! :)
- Fixed permission checking
- Fixed issue with sending messages not formatting correctly
MagicBeam V1.0
MagicBeams is a plugin that enables server owners to turn beacons into either flying elevators or something to throw users in a certain direction like launch pads! :)
- /MagicBeams add (Permission: MagicBeams.modify)
- This command adds a beacon to the config, needs to be standing on the beacon!
- /MagicBeams remove (Permission: MagicBeams.modify)
- Removes a beacon from the config either by the optional argument or if you're standing on it.