The program solves the ode: y' = y/(e^x) - 1 In order to run the program, you first must install the following packages using the pip installer tool on command line. The commands for installing the packages can be found below.
- Navigate to the folder in the command line where the python script resides.
- Enter The following commands into the terminal or command prompt to ensure you are in the proper directory:
- ensure the python file is showing in the command prompt Unix:ls
- ensure the python file is showing in the terminal - Once you are in the proper directory, run the commands below to install the proper python packages.
- Install Pandas:
pip install pandas
- Install MatPlotLib:
pip install matplotlib
- Install SciPy:
pip install scipy
To run the code enter one of the following commands below depending on your operating system.
Once the program is running, the first plot will be displayed. To navigate to the next plot, close the plot that is being displayed. In order to present the error table in a cleaner fashion, an HTML file is generated in the directory in which the file exists. Opening this file in a web browser will show the error calculations for every Yn. The HTML file is name 'error_results.html'.