Python library for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects on the sphere.
Spherely is the counterpart of Shapely (2.0+) for manipulation and analysis of spherical geometric objects. It is using the widely deployed open-source geometry library s2geometry via the library s2geography which provides a GEOS compatibility layer on top of s2geometry.
This library is at an early stage of development.
- Python
- Numpy
- s2geography
- s2geometry
Additional requirements when building spherely from source:
- C++ compiler supporting C++17 standard
- CMake
- scikit-build-core
(Note: C++11 or C++14 should work too but we have no plan to maintain compatibility with those older standards)
There is no pre-compiled package available at the moment. See the section below for instructions on how to setup a development environment and build / install spherely from source.
After cloning this repo, create a conda environment using the ci/environment.yml
file with the required dependencies:
$ conda env create -f spherely/ci/environment.yml
$ conda activate spherely-dev
Build and install s2spherely
$ cd spherely
$ python -m pip install . -v --no-build-isolation
Note that you can specify a build directory in order to avoid rebuilding the whole library from scratch each time after editing the code (requires scikit-build-core v0.2.0+):
$ python -m pip install . -v --no-build-isolation --config-settings build-dir=build/skbuild
Run the tests:
$ pytest . -v
Spherely also uses pre-commit for code auto-formatting and linting at every commit. After installing it, you can enable pre-commit hooks with the following command:
$ pre-commit install
(Note: you can skip the pre-commit checks with git commit --no-verify
If you want to compile spherely against the latest version of s2geography, use:
$ git clone
$ cmake -S s2geography -B s2geography/build -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CONDA_PREFIX
$ cmake --build s2geography/build
$ cmake --install s2geography/build