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John edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the NeuroEvolution wiki!

  1. K. Stanley, J. Clune, J. Lehman, et al., “Designing neural networks through neuroevolution,” Nature Machine Intelligence, 2019, 1:24-35.
  2. X. Yao, “Evolving artificial neural networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE, 1999, 87(9):1423-1447.
  3. X. Yao and Y. Liu, “A new evolutionary system for evolving artificial neural networks,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1997, 8(3):694-713.
  4. J. Liu, M. Gong, Q. Miao, et al., “Structure Learning for Deep Neural Networks Based on Multiobjective Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018, 29(6):2450-2463.
  5. K. O. Stanley, and R. Miikkulainen, "Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies," Evolutionary Computation, 2002, 10(2): 99-127.
  6. G. Jason, and K. O. Stanley, “Autonomous Evolution of Topographic Regularities in Artificial Neural Networks,” Neural Computation, 2010, 22: 1860–1898.
  7. D. Ha, A. M. Dai, and Q. V. Le, “HyperNetworks,” Proc. 2017 International Conference on Learning Representations, 2017, 2.
  8. R. Miikkulainen, J. Liang, E. Meyerson, et al., “Evolving deep neural networks,” Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing, 2019: 293-312.
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