#app-bom Sample app for Bill of Materials
BOM is an node.js application demonstrating assembly navigation, metadata retrieval and shaded view generation with use of set of rich primary APIs provided by Onshape that allows Partners to interact with Onshape fully cloud based CAD system.
####Using BOM Go to your app preferences. Click the "Create application" within Onshape document. Fill out the form like so:
- Name: My BOM app
- URL: https://onshape-app-bom.herokuapp.com/oauthSignin
- Base HREF: You can leave this blank
This app requires to be run in a tab of Onshape, an iFrame. In this type of configuration, Onshape will pass documentId, workspaceId and elementId as query params to the frame. These are utilized by the BOM app to give it context of what the active document is within Onshape.
BOM could also be written to run independently of the tab in Onshape. It could connect to Onshape and get a list of documents for the currently logged in user and then allow the user to select which one to work with.
####Deploying to Heroku Make sure you have Node.js and the Heroku Toolbelt installed. You will also need a Heroku account (signup for free).
Execute the following commands to create a duplicate of a repository; you need to perform both a bare-clone and a mirror-push to an newly-created bare repo (please note that you may want to use SSH instead of HTTPS, depending on your Github settings):
$ git clone --bare https://github.com/onshape/app-bom.git
# make a bare clone of the repository
$ cd app-bom.git
$ git push --mirror https://github.com/exampleuser/new-respository.git
# mirror-push to new respository
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf app-bom.git
# remove temporary local repository
######Deploy your repo on heroku
$ git clone https://github.com/exampleuser/new-respository.git
$ cd new-repository
$ heroku create
To regsister the new app, go to the Dev Portal, https://dev-portal.dev.onshape.com. The output from Heroku should produce the domain name:
Application name (ex: Onshape BOM Sample)
Application description (one sentence; ex: "Onshape BOM Sample application — source code is available.")
URL for sign-in (ex: onshape-app-bom.herokuapp.com/oauthSignin)
URL for redirect (ex: onshape-app-bom.herokuapp.com/oauthRedirect)
Requested Format ID (ex: Onshape-Demo/BOM)
Onshape will register the app on Partner server and send back the OAUTH ID/Secret which are required for authentication.
Make changes to code at two places for the new URL that Heroku has produced, as shown below:
file# 1: ./package.json
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://newURL-from-heroku.herokuapp.com/"
file# 2: ./authentication.js
passport.use(new OnshapeStrategy({
clientID: oauthClientId,
clientSecret: oauthClientSecret,
callbackURL: "https://newURL-from-heroku.herokuapp.com/oauthRedirect",
function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
Push the local repo code along with code changes to heruko
$ git add package.json
$ git add authentication.js
$ git commit -am "changes to code for callbackURL"
$ git push heroku master
You will need to set the ID and Secret as environment variables on the server. These are only visible to the app running on the server preserving security of that information.
$ heroku config:set OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=<ID given by Onshape for this app>
$ heroku config:set OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<Secret given by Onshape for this app>
You will also need to register your server host, the stack url (for example ONSHAPE_PLATFORM=https://cad.onshape.com), and the Onshape authentication URL.
$ heroku config:set ONSHAPE_HOST=https://newURL-from-heroku.herokuapp.com
$ heroku config:set ONSHAPE_PLATFORM=https://STACK.onshape.com
$ heroku config:set ONSHAPE_OAUTH_SERVICE=https://oauth.onshape.com
You can verify that they are set by calling this:
$ heroku config
One more step before you can use this app sample with Onshape. It requires RedisTOGO.
$ heroku addons:create redistogo
If you are new to Heroku, it may complain the first time you do this for an app requiring you to add credit card info as a payment source for potential server traffic. Don't worry, you can select the level of service for RedisTOGO and the base level is free (no cost). The payment source is required in case the service is scaled up to handle a large number of users. You do this via www.heroku.com.
Use heroku config again to verify that RedisTOGO is setup. You'll see this in the config.
REDISTOGO_URL: redis://redistogo:[email protected]:11093/
#####Reference Documentation ######Heroku For more information about using Node.js on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles:
######OAuth Onshape uses standard OAuth2.
- [See the RFC for a detailed description of OAuth] (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749)
- [Digital Ocean provides a nice tutorial on using OAuth] (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-oauth-2)