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Journey bites service

A api service for journey bites


Before running this project, you must have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v20.9.0 or later)
  • PNPM (v9.0.0 or later)


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Run pnpm install in the project directory to install all required dependencies.
  3. Create a .env file at the root directory of the project and add the necessary environment variables. See the .env.sample file for reference.
  • HOST: the host of the server
  • PORT: the port of the server
  • SALT_ROUNDS: the number of rounds to use when hashing passwords
  • DATABASE_URL: the URL of the Mongo DB
  • TOKEN_SECRET: the secret to use when signing JWTs, example: openssl rand hex 64
  1. Run pnpm prepare to install Husky's Git hooks.
  2. Run pnpm db:generate to generate the Prisma client.
  3. Run pnpm db:push to push the database schema to the database.
  4. Run pnpm start or pnpm dev to start the application.

NPM scripts

Available development scripts:

  • pnpm prepare: Installs Husky's Git hooks.
  • pnpm start: Starts the application in production mode.
  • pnpm dev: Starts the application in development mode.
  • pnpm build: Builds the application.
  • pnpm lint: Lints the codebase.
  • pnpm pretty: Formats the codebase.
  • pnpm test: Runs the test suite.
  • pnpm test:watch: Runs the test suite in watch mode.
  • pnpm swagger:generate: Generates the Swagger documentation.
  • pnpm db:generate: Generates the Prisma client.
  • pnpm db:push: Pushes the database schema to the database.

Teach Stack

Technologies used in this project

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime
  • Express.js: Web framework
  • Prisma: Database toolkit
  • MongoDB: Database
  • JWT: Authentication
  • Swagger: API documentation
  • Jest: Testing framework
  • Supertest: HTTP assertions
  • Husky: Git hooks
  • Prettier: Code formatter
  • ESLint: Linter

Commit Message Guidelines


To keep the commit history neat and easy to understand, we require all Git commit messages to follow the format: [type]: [title]

  • type

    • build:修改構建系統或外部依賴
    • ci:修改 CI 配置文件或腳本
    • chore:對非業務邏輯程式碼的更改,例如更新開發工具
    • docs:文件更新
    • feat:新增功能
    • fix:修復 bug
    • perf:改善程式的性能
    • refactor:重構程式碼,不添加新功能或修復 bug
    • revert:還原先前的 commit
    • style:改善程式碼風格,例如縮排、空格等
    • test:增加或修改測試程式
  • title (sentence-case)

    • 簡短地描述提交的改變。主題應遵循句子格式,即首字母大寫,其餘字母小寫。 Ex:This is an example of sentence case.


  • build: Update eslint config for production
  • ci: Add GitHub Actions workflow for automated testing
  • chore: Update project dependencies to latest versions
  • docs: Add usage instructions to README
  • feat: Add new user registration feature
  • fix: Resolve login issue for locked accounts
  • docs: Update API documentation
  • perf: Optimize image loading for faster page rendering
  • refactor: Simplify error handling in API client
  • revert: Roll back to previous version of login form
  • style: Enforce consistent indentation with Prettier
  • test: Add unit tests for user registration endpoint