This repository contains the home assignment "py-word-counter" it utilize to show practical understanding for the following concerpts python, kubernets,helm, bash, gitops, argo
The assignment goal is to use Python code inside Docker that will run as a REST API and return the most common words in txt files. During the development process, I utilized k3d to set up a Kubernetes cluster. In order to adopt a GitOps approach, I added ArgoCD to deploy the application chart in the Kubernetes cluster.
Then, I used an existing chart I maintain and added the "py-word-counter". you can access the chart here Below is the structure of the default values:
enabled: true
image: judab/py-word-counter:240313-14.19
enabled: true
host: "py-word-counter.local" # Default host value
Once I had script that bring up the Kubernetes cluster and ArgoCD (demo/ I created the py code I design it where the txt-files are loaded from directory /txt-files/ inside the container into a collection then it scan for the most common words and prints the result. this way /txt-files/ can be replace with different volume in the future here is an example of quries, you can ask for 2 common words , 3 common words etc etc
curl http://py-word-counter.local:8082/most_common_words/2
i added health check for the kubernetes
curl http://py-word-counter.local:8082/health-check
at the end of the task while writing the README, i did some QA verify the code is working on plain ubuntu AMI Image, and on WSL ubuntu
i added ingress and update the script to update hosts file to access the ingres
You will need linux with docker yq k3d , your user must have permission to docker ps if you use ubuntu AWS image the script will take care for everything Amazon Image AMI ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-20240207.1)
git clone
cd my-code-example/demo
once you the installation finsh you can send the following query
curl http://py-word-counter.local:8082/most_common_words/2