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Improvements in EVT confidence function (#25)
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* create new confidence file

* add computing a normalized NRMSE

* correct docstring description for extreme dim

* add docstring of significance

* update tests for EVT significance

* require at least 2.8 complexity measutres for allprobs

* add cramer von mises as an option

* changelog

* finally fix the wrong r0 error message

* acxtually fix the issue
  • Loading branch information
Datseris authored Jul 29, 2023
1 parent 3a3db84 commit 9aca116
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Showing 7 changed files with 196 additions and 88 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# 1.7

- Update `extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues` to calculate further the NRMSE of the GPD fits.
- Set default estimator to `:exp` for EVT.
- Bugfixes in `extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues`
- Add Cramer Von Mises estimator for `extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues`

# 1.6

- new function `extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues` that can help quantify the "goodness" of the results of the EVT dimension
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "FractalDimensions"
uuid = "4665ce21-e117-4649-aed8-08bbe5ccbead"
authors = ["George Datseris <[email protected]>"]
version = "1.6.2"
version = "1.7.0"

ComplexityMeasures = "ab4b797d-85ee-42ba-b621-05d793b346a2"
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ StateSpaceSets = "40b095a5-5852-4c12-98c7-d43bf788e795"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ComplexityMeasures = "2.5"
ComplexityMeasures = "2.8"
Distances = "0.10"
Distributions = "0.25"
HypothesisTests = "0.11"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/FractalDimensions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ include("corrsum_based/correlationsum_fixedmass.jl")



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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/corrsum_based/correlationsum_boxassisted.jl
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Expand Up @@ -85,8 +85,12 @@ function boxed_correlationsum(
X, εs, r0 = maximum(εs); q = 2, P = 2, kwargs...
P size(X, 2) || error("Prism dimension has to be ≤ than `X` dimension.")
r0 maximum(εs) || error("Box size `r0` has to be ≥ than `maximum(εs)`.")
issorted(εs) || error("Sorted `εs` required for optimized version.")
if r0 < maximum(εs)
@warn("Box size `r0` has to be ≥ than `maximum(εs)`.")
r0 = maximum(εs)

boxes, contents = data_boxing(X, r0, P)
Cs = if q == 2
boxed_correlationsum_2(boxes, contents, X, εs; kwargs...)
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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions src/extremes_based/confidence.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
export extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues
export CramerVonMises

# for confidence testing
using HypothesisTests: OneSampleADTest, ApproximateOneSampleKSTest, pvalue
using Distributions: GeneralizedPareto, pdf
using ComplexityMeasures

extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues(X, p; kw...)
Return various computed quantities that may quantify the significance of the results of
[`extremevaltheory_dims_persistences`](@ref)`(X, p; kw...)`, terms of quantifying
how well a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) describes exceedences
in the input data.
## Keyword arguments
- `show_progress, estimator` as in [`extremevaltheory_dims_persistences`](@ref)
- `TestType = ApproximateOneSampleKSTest`: the test type to use. It can be
`ApproximateOneSampleKSTest, ExactOneSampleKSTest, CramerVonMises`.
We noticed that `OneSampleADTest` sometimes yielded nonsensical results:
all p-values were equal and were very small ≈ 1e-6.
- `nbins = round(Int, length(X)*(1-p)/20)`: number of bins to use when computing
the histogram of the exceedances for computing the NRMSE.
The default value will use equally spaced
bins that are equal to the length of the exceedances divided by 20.
## Description
The function computes the exceedances ``E_i`` for each point ``x_i \\in X`` as in
It returns 5 quantities, all being vectors of length `length(X)`:
- `Es`, all exceedences, as a vector of vectors.
- `sigmas, xis` the fitted σ, ξ to the GPD fits for each exceedance
- `nrmses` the normalized root mean square distance of the fitted GPD
to the histogram of the exceedances
- `pvalues` the pvalues of a statistical test of the appropriateness of the GPD fit
The output `nrmses` quantifies the distance between the fitted GPD and the empirical
histogram of the exceedances. It is computed as
NRMSE = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\sum{(P_j - G_j)^2}{\\sum{(P_j - U)^2}}
where ``P_j`` the empirical (observed) probability at bin ``j``, ``G_j`` the fitted GPD
probability at the midpoint of bin ``j``, and ``U`` same as ``G_j`` but for the uniform
distribution. The divisor of the equation normalizes the expression, so that the error
of the empirical distribution is normalized to the error of the empirical distribution
with fitting it with the uniform distribution. It is expected that NRMSE < 1.
The smaller it is, the better the data are approximated by GPD versus uniform distribution.
The output `pvalues` is a vector of p-values. `pvalues[i]` corresponds to the p-value
of the hypothesis: _"The exceedences around point `X[i]` are sampled from a GPD"_ versus
the alternative hypothesis that they are not.
To extract the p-values, we perform a one-sample hypothesis via HypothesisTests.jl
to the fitted GPD.
Very small p-values then indicate
that the hypothesis should be rejected and the data are not well described by a GPD.
This can be an indication that we do not have enough data, or that we choose
too high of a quantile probability `p`, or that the data are not suitable in general.
This p-value based method for significance has been used in [^Faranda2017],
but it is unclear precisely how it was used.
For more details on how these quantities may quantify significance, see our review paper.
Faranda et al. (2017), Dynamical proxies of North Atlantic predictability and extremes,
[Scientific Reports, 7](
function extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues(X::AbstractStateSpaceSet, p;
estimator = :mm, show_progress = envprog(), TestType = ApproximateOneSampleKSTest,
nbins = max(round(Int, length(X)*(1-p)/20), 10),
N = length(X)
progress = ProgressMeter.Progress(
N; desc = "Extreme value theory p-values: ", enabled = show_progress
logdists = [zeros(eltype(X), N) for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
pvalues = zeros(N)
sigmas = zeros(N)
xis = zeros(N)
nrmses = zeros(N)
Es = [Float64[] for _ in 1:N]

Threads.@threads for j in eachindex(X)
logdist = logdists[Threads.threadid()]
@inbounds map!(x -> -log(euclidean(x, X[j])), logdist, vec(X))
σ, ξ, E = extremevaltheory_local_gpd_fit(logdist, p, estimator)
sigmas[j] = σ
xis[j] = ξ
Es[j] = E
# Note that exceedances are defined with 0 as their minimum
gpd = GeneralizedPareto(0, σ, ξ)
test = TestType(E, gpd)
pvalues[j] = pvalue(test)
nrmses[j] = gpd_nrmse(E, gpd, nbins)!(progress)
return Es, nrmses, pvalues, sigmas, xis

function gpd_nrmse(E, gpd, nbins)
# Compute histogram of E
bins = range(0, nextfloat(maximum(E), 2); length = nbins)
binning = FixedRectangularBinning(bins)
allprobs = allprobabilities(ValueHistogram(binning), E)
width = step(bins)

# We will calcuate the GPD pdf at the midpoint of each bin
midpoints = bins .+ width/2
rmse = zero(eltype(E))
mmse = zero(eltype(E))
# value of uniform density (equal probability at each bin)
meandens = (1/length(allprobs))/width

for (j, prob) in enumerate(allprobs)
dens = prob / width # density value, to compare with pdf
dens_gpd = pdf(gpd, midpoints[j])
rmse += (dens - dens_gpd)^2
mmse += (dens - meandens)^2
nrmse = sqrt(rmse/mmse)
if isinf(nrmse)
error("inf nrmse. Allprobs; $(allprobs). E; $(E)")
return nrmse

CramerVonMises(X, dist)
A crude implementation of the Cramer Von Mises test that yields a `p` value
for the hypothesis that the data in `X` are sampled from the distribution `dist`.
struct CramerVonMises{E, D}

import HypothesisTests
using Distributions: cdf, Normal

# I got this test from:

function HypothesisTests.pvalue(test::CramerVonMises)
X = test.e
gpd = test.d
n = length(X)
xs = sort!(X)

T = 1/(12n) + sum(i -> (cdf(gpd, xs[i]) - (2i - 1)/2n)^2, 1:n)

# An approximation of the T statistic is normally distributed
# with std of approximately sqrt(1/45)
# From there the z statistic
zstat = T/sqrt(1/45)

p = 2*(1 - cdf(Normal(0,1), zstat))
return p
96 changes: 13 additions & 83 deletions src/extremes_based/extremesdim.jl
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Expand Up @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ function extremevaltheory_dims(X, p; kw...)

extremevaltheory_dims_persistences(x::AbstractStateSpaceSet, p::Real; kwargs)
extremevaltheory_dims_persistences(x::AbstractStateSpaceSet, p::Real; kwargs...)
Return the local dimensions `Δloc` and the persistences `θloc` for each point in the
given set for quantile probability `p`, according to the estimation done via extreme value
theory [^Lucarini2016] [^Caby2018].
theory [^Lucarini2016].
The computation is parallelized to available threads (`Threads.nthreads()`).
See also [`extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues`](@ref) for obtaining confidence on the results.
Expand All @@ -60,28 +60,29 @@ See also [`extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues`](@ref) for obtaining confidence on t
## Description
For each state space point ``\\mathbf{x}_i`` in `X` we compute
``g_j = -\\log(||\\mathbf{x}_i - \\mathbf{x}_j|| ) \\; \\forall j = 1, \\ldots, N`` with
``g_i = -\\log(||\\mathbf{x}_i - \\mathbf{x}_j|| ) \\; \\forall j = 1, \\ldots, N`` with
``||\\cdot||`` the Euclidean distance. Next, we choose an extreme quantile probability
``p`` (e.g., 0.99) for the distribution of ``g_j``. We compute ``g_p`` as the ``p``-th
quantile of ``g_j``. Then, we collect the exceedances of ``g_j``, defined as
``E = \\{ g_j - g_p: g_j \\ge g_p \\}``, i.e., all values of ``g_j`` larger or equal to
``g_p``, also shifted by ``g_p``. There are in total ``n = N(1-q)`` values in ``E``.
According to extreme value theory, in the limit ``N \\to \\infty`` the values ``E``
``p`` (e.g., 0.99) for the distribution of ``g_i``. We compute ``g_p`` as the ``p``-th
quantile of ``g_i``. Then, we collect the exceedances of ``g_i``, defined as
``E_i = \\{ g_i - g_p: g_i \\ge g_p \\}``, i.e., all values of ``g_i`` larger or equal to
``g_p``, also shifted by ``g_p``. There are in total ``n = N(1-q)`` values in ``E_i``.
According to extreme value theory, in the limit ``N \\to \\infty`` the values ``E_i``
follow a two-parameter Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) with parameters
``\\sigma,\\xi`` (the third parameter ``\\mu`` of the GPD is zero due to the
positive-definite construction of ``E``). Within this extreme value theory approach,
the local dimension ``\\Delta^{(E)}_i`` assigned to state space point ``\\textbf{x}_i``
is given by the inverse of the ``\\sigma`` parameter of the
GPD fit to the data[^Faranda2011], ``\\Delta^{(E)}_i = 1/\\sigma``.
GPD fit to the data[^Lucarini2012], ``\\Delta^{(E)}_i = 1/\\sigma``.
``\\sigma`` is estimated according to the `estimator` keyword.
Lucarini et al., [Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems
Caby et al., [Physica D 400 132143
Lucarini et al., Universal Behaviour of Extreme Value Statistics for Selected
Observables of Dynamical Systems, [Journal of Statistical Physics, 147(1), 63–73.]( et al., [Physica D 400 132143
function extremevaltheory_dims_persistences(X::AbstractStateSpaceSet, p::Real;
show_progress = envprog(), allocate_matrix = false, kw...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,74 +206,3 @@ function extremevaltheory_local_dim_persistence(
Δ, θ = extremevaltheory_local_dim_persistence(logdist, p; kw...)
return Δ, θ

# for confidence testing
using HypothesisTests: OneSampleADTest, ApproximateOneSampleKSTest, pvalue
using Distributions: GeneralizedPareto

extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues(X, p; kw...) → pvalues, sigmas, xis
Quantify significance of the results of
[`extremevaltheory_dims_persistences`](@ref)`(X, p; kw...)` by
quantifying how well a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) describes exceedences
in the input data using the approach described in [^Faranda2017].
Return the p-values of the statistical test, and the fitted `σ, ξ` values to each
of the GPD fits of the exceedances for each point in `X`.
## Description
The output `pvalues` is a vector of p-values. `pvalues[i]` corresponds to the p-value
of the hypothesis: _"The exceedences around point `X[i]` are sampled from a GPD"_ versus
the alternative hypothesis that they are not. Very small p-values then indicate
that the hypothesis should be rejected and the data are not well described by a GPD.
This can be a good indication that we do not have enough data, or that we choose
too high of a quantile probability `p`.
Alternatively, if the majority of `pvalues` are sufficiently high, e.g., higher
than 0.05, then we have some confidence that the probability `p` and/or amount of
data follow well the theory of FD from EVT.
To extract the p-values, we perform a one-sample hypothesis via HypothesisTests.jl
to the fitted GPD.
## Keyword arguments
- `show_progress, estimator` as in [`extremevaltheory_dims_persistences`](@ref)
- `TestType = ApproximateOneSampleKSTest`: the test type to use. It can be any
of the [one-sample non-parametric tests from HypothesisTests.jl](
however we noticed that `OneSampleADTest` sometimes yielded nonsensical results:
all p-values were equal and were very small ≈ 1e-6.
Faranda et al. (2017), Dynamical proxies of North Atlantic predictability and extremes,
[Scientific Reports, 7](
function extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues(X::AbstractStateSpaceSet, p;
estimator = :mm, show_progress = envprog(), TestType = ApproximateOneSampleKSTest
N = length(X)
progress = ProgressMeter.Progress(
N; desc = "Extreme value theory p-values: ", enabled = show_progress
logdists = [zeros(eltype(X), N) for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
pvalues = zeros(N)
sigmas = zeros(N)
xis = zeros(N)

Threads.@threads for j in eachindex(X)
logdist = logdists[Threads.threadid()]
@inbounds map!(x -> -log(euclidean(x, X[j])), logdist, vec(X))
σ, ξ, E = extremevaltheory_local_gpd_fit(logdist, p, estimator)
sigmas[j] = σ
xis[j] = ξ
# Note that exceedances are defined with 0 as their minimum
gpd = GeneralizedPareto(0, σ, ξ)
test = TestType(E, gpd)
pvalues[j] = pvalue(test)!(progress)
return pvalues, sigmas, xis
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions test/extremevalue.jl
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Expand Up @@ -59,11 +59,15 @@ end

@testset "pvalues" begin
pvalues = extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues(A, 0.99)[1]
@testset "significance" begin
Es, nrmses, pvalues, sigmas, xis = extremevaltheory_gpdfit_pvalues(A, 0.99)
@test all(p -> 0 p 1, pvalues)
badcount = count(<(0.05), pvalues)/length(pvalues)
@test badcount < 0.1
@test all(p -> 0 p 1, nrmses)
@test mean(nrmses) < 0.5
@test all(E -> all((0), E), Es)
@test all((0), sigmas)

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