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dehann committed May 17, 2018
2 parents e222efc + 1d2b67c commit e77499d
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions .travis.yml
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167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions examples/marine/rov/highend/lcmHandlers.jl
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Adds pose nodes to graph with a prior on Z, pitch, and roll.
function handle_poses!(slam::SyncrSLAM,
id =
println("[Caesar.jl] Received pose msg for x$(id)")

mean = msg.mean
covar = msg.covar
t = [mean[1], mean[2], mean[3]]
qw = mean[4]
qxyz = [mean[5], mean[6], mean[7]]
q = Quaternion(qw,qxyz) # why not a (w,x,y,z) constructor?
pose = SE3(t,q)
euler = Euler(q)
node_label = Symbol("x$(id)")
varRequest = VariableRequest(node_label, "Pose3", nothing, ["POSE"])
resp = addVariable(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId, varRequest)
if id == 0
println("[Caesar.jl] First pose")
# this is the first msg, and it does not carry odometry, but the prior on the first node.

# add 6dof prior
initPosePrior = RoME.PriorPose3( MvNormal( veeEuler(pose), diagm([covar...]) ) )
packedPrior = convert(RoME.PackedPriorPose3, initPosePrior)

# 3. Build the factor request (again, we can make this way easier and transparent once it's stable)
fctBody = FactorBody(string(typeof(initPosePrior)), string(typeof(packedPrior)), "JSON", JSON.json(packedPrior))
fctRequest = FactorRequest([node_label], fctBody, false, false)
@show resp = addFactor(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId, fctRequest)

# set robot parameters in the first pose, this will become a separate node in the future
println("[Caesar.jl] Setting robot parameters")

Handle ZPR priors on poses.
function handle_priors!(slam::SyncrSLAM,

id =
println("[Caesar.jl] Adding prior on RPZ to x$(id)")

node_label = Symbol("x$(id)")
# 1. Build up the prior
z = msg.z
pitch = msg.pitch
roll = msg.roll
var_z = msg.var_z
var_pitch = msg.var_pitch
var_roll = msg.var_roll
rp_dist = MvNormal( [roll;pitch], diagm([var_roll, var_pitch]))
z_dist = Normal(z, var_z)
prior_rpz = RoME.PartialPriorRollPitchZ(rp_dist, z_dist)

# 2. Pack the prior (we can automate this step soon, but for now it's hand cranking)
packed_prior_rpz = convert(RoME.PackedPartialPriorRollPitchZ, prior_rpz)

# 3. Build the factor request (again, we can make this way easier and transparent once it's stable)
fctBody = FactorBody(string(typeof(prior_rpz)), string(typeof(packed_prior_rpz)), "JSON", JSON.json(packed_prior_rpz))
fctRequest = FactorRequest([node_label], fctBody, false, false)
@show resp = addFactor(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId, fctRequest)

Handle partial x, y, and heading odometry constraints between Pose3 variables.
function handle_partials!(slam::SyncrSLAM,
println(" --- Handling odometry change...")

origin_id = msg.node_1_id
destination_id = msg.node_2_id
origin_label = Symbol("x$(origin_id)")
destination_label = Symbol("x$(destination_id)")

println("[Caesar.jl] Adding XYH odometry constraint between(x$(origin_id), x$(destination_id))")

delta_x = msg.delta_x
delta_y = msg.delta_y
delta_yaw = msg.delta_yaw

var_x = msg.var_x
var_y = msg.var_y
var_yaw = msg.var_yaw

xyh_dist = MvNormal([delta_x, delta_y, delta_yaw], diagm([var_x, var_y, var_yaw]))
xyh_factor = PartialPose3XYYaw(xyh_dist)
# 2. Pack the prior (we can automate this step soon, but for now it's hand cranking)
packed_xyh_factor = convert(RoME.PackedPartialPose3XYYaw, xyh_factor)

# 3. Build the factor request (again, we can make this way easier and transparent once it's stable)
fctBody = FactorBody(string(typeof(xyh_factor)), string(typeof(packed_xyh_factor)), "JSON", JSON.json(packed_xyh_factor))
fctRequest = FactorRequest([origin_label; destination_label], fctBody, false, false)
@show resp = addFactor(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId, fctRequest)

Handle loop closure proposals with chance of being a null hypothesis likelihood.
function handle_loops!(slam::SyncrSLAM,

println(" --- Handling loop...")
# return nothing

origin_id = msg.node_1_id
destination_id = msg.node_2_id
origin_label = Symbol("x$(origin_id)")
destination_label = Symbol("x$(destination_id)")

delta_x = msg.delta_x
delta_y = msg.delta_y
delta_yaw = msg.delta_yaw

var_x = msg.var_x
var_y = msg.var_y
var_yaw = msg.var_yaw
confidence = msg.confidence

println("[Caesar.jl] Adding XYH-NH loop closure constraint between (x$(origin_id), x$(destination_id))")
xyh_dist = MvNormal([delta_x, delta_y, delta_yaw], diagm([var_x, var_y, var_yaw]))
xyh_factor = RoME.PartialPose3XYYawNH(xyh_dist ,[1.0-confidence, confidence]) # change to NH
# 2. Pack the prior (we can automate this step soon, but for now it's hand cranking)
packed_xyh_factor = convert(RoME.PackedPartialPose3XYYawNH, xyh_factor)

# 3. Build the factor request (again, we can make this way easier and transparent once it's stable)
fctBody = FactorBody(string(typeof(xyh_factor)), string(typeof(packed_xyh_factor)), "JSON", JSON.json(packed_xyh_factor))
fctRequest = FactorRequest([origin_label; destination_label], fctBody, false, false)
@show resp = addFactor(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId, fctRequest)

Callback for caesar_point_cloud_t msgs. Adds point cloud to SLAM_Client
function handle_clouds!(slam::SyncrSLAM,
id =
last_pose = "x$(id)"
println("[Caesar.jl] Got cloud $id")

# 2d arrays of points and colors (from LCM data into arrays{arrays})
# @show size(msg.points)
# @show size(msg.colors)
# points = [[pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]] for pt in msg.points]
points = JSON.json(msg.points)
# @show "HERREEEEEE"
# colors = [[UInt8([1]),UInt8([2]),UInt8([3])] for c in msg.colors]
colors = JSON.json(msg.colors)

node = getNode(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId, last_pose)
pointCloud = BigDataElementRequest("PointCloud", "Mongo", "Pointcloud from HAUV", points, "application/binary")
colors = BigDataElementRequest("Colors", "Mongo", "Colors from HAUV", colors, "application/binary")
addDataElement(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId,, pointCloud)
addDataElement(slam.syncrconf, slam.robotId, slam.sessionId,, colors)
# serialized_point_cloud = BSONObject(Dict("pointcloud" => points))
# appendvertbigdata!(slaml, vert, "BSONpointcloud", string(serialized_point_cloud).data)
# serialized_colors = BSONObject(Dict("colors" => colors))
# appendvertbigdata!(slaml, vert, "BSONcolors", string(serialized_colors).data)
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98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions examples/marine/rov/highend/synchrony.jl
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LCM Server: an LCM interface to Caesar.jl

using Base.Dates
using Caesar
using Unmarshal
using CaesarLCMTypes
using TransformUtils, Rotations, CoordinateTransformations
using Distributions
using LCMCore
using LibBSON

using RobotTestDatasets

include(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "synchronySDKIntegration.jl"))

Store robot parameters in the centralized database system.
function setRobotParameters!(sslaml::SyncrSLAM)
rovconf = Dict{String, String}() # TODO relax to Dict{String, Any}
rovconf["robot"] = "hovering-rov"
rovconf["bTc"] = "[0.0;0.0;0.0; 1.0; 0.0; 0.0; 0.0]"
rovconf["bTc_format"] = "xyzqwqxqyqz"
# currently unused, but upcoming
rovconf["pointcloud_description_name"] = "BSONpointcloud"
rovconf["pointcloud_color_description_name"] = "BSONcolors"

# Actually modify the databases
Syncr.updateRobotConfig(sslaml.syncrconf, sslaml.robotId, rovconf)


# Include the LCM handlers...
include(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "lcmHandlers.jl"))

# this function handles lcm msgs
function listener!(lcm_node::Union{LCMCore.LCM, LCMCore.LCMLog})
# handle traffic
# TODO: handle termination
while true
if !handle(lcm_node)

# 0. Constants
println("[Caesar.jl] defining constants.")
robotId = "HROV"
sessionId = "LCM_27"
sessionId = strip(sessionId)

# create a SLAM container object
slam_client = SyncrSLAM(robotId, sessionId, nothing)

# initialize a new session ready for SLAM using the built in SynchronySDK
println("[Caesar.jl] Setting up remote solver")

# Set up the robot
robotConfig = Syncr.getRobotConfig(slam_client.syncrconf, slam_client.robotId)

# TODO - should have a function that allows first pose and prior to be set by user.

# create new handlers to pass in additional data
lcm_pose_handler = (channel, message_data) -> handle_poses!(slam_client, message_data )
lcm_odom_handler = (channel, message_data) -> handle_partials!(slam_client, message_data )
lcm_prior_handler = (channel, message_data) -> handle_priors!(slam_client, message_data )
lcm_cloud_handler = (channel, message_data) -> handle_clouds!(slam_client, message_data )
lcm_loop_handler = (channel, message_data) -> handle_loops!(slam_client, message_data )

# create LCM object and subscribe to messages on the following channels
logfile = robotdata("rovlcm_singlesession_01")
lcm_node = LCMLog(logfile) # for direct log file access

# poses
subscribe(lcm_node, "CAESAR_POSES", lcm_pose_handler, pose_node_t)

# factors
subscribe(lcm_node, "CAESAR_PARTIAL_XYH", lcm_odom_handler)
subscribe(lcm_node, "CAESAR_PARTIAL_ZPR", lcm_prior_handler, prior_zpr_t)
# loop closures come in via p3p3nh factors
subscribe(lcm_node, "CAESAR_PARTIAL_XYH_NH", lcm_loop_handler, pose_pose_xyh_nh_t)

# sensor data
subscribe(lcm_node, "CAESAR_POINT_CLOUDS", lcm_cloud_handler, point_cloud_t)

println("[Caesar.jl] Running LCM listener")

println(" --- Done! Now we can run the solver on this dataset!")

# Todo - call Sychrony to start the solver

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