sudo apt install flex cmake clang
# Install bison 3.8
tar -zxvf bison-3.8.tar.gz
cd bison-3.8
sudo make install
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/bison /usr/bin/bison
# Generate parser and lexer
# Build using cmake
The machanism of the contest is compiling everything altogether. So we need to flatten the source code.
python3 tests/
This will generate the syc
executable in the current directory.
To cross debug, we need to install gdb-multiarch
sudo apt install gdb-multiarch
Compile the assembly generated by syc:
riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc -march=rv64gc ./tests/test.s -L./sysy-runtime-lib -lsylib -o ./tests/test
Use QEMU to run the program. This will listen on port 1234.
qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu -g 1234 ./tests/test < ./tests/ &
Use GDB to connect to QEMU. This will load the symbols in the executable.
gdb-multiarch ./tests/test
In GDB, connect to QEMU.
target remote :1234
Then just debug.
subgraph Frontend
Lexer --> |Tokens| Parser
subgraph IR
irgen(IR Generator) --> |IR| io(IR Optimizers)
subgraph Backend
apo(Optimizers) --> |Pseudo RISC-V Assembly| ra(Register Allocation)
ra(Register Allocation) --> |RISC-V Assembly| aao(Final-Optimizers)
ui(Compiler Input) --> |SysY Code| Frontend
copt(Compiler Options) --> Frontend
Frontend --> |AST| IR
IR --> |Optimized IR| Backend
Backend --> |Optimized RISC-V Assembly| co(Compiler Output)
- Frontend
- Simple common subexpression elimination.
- IR
- Mem2reg
- Function return value optimization
- If return value is not used, change function return type to void
- Purity optimization
- Common subexpression elimination for call
- Remove unused call if the function is pure
- Auto inlining
- Inline non-recursive function
- Simple global to local
- Make global value local in main after inlining
- Global value numbering
- Unreachable code elimination
- Straighten control flow
- Algebraic simplification
- Constant folding
- Constant propagation
- Strength reduction
- Loop invariant code motion
- Loop unrolling
- Full unroll for loop with constant trip count
- Simple loop induction variable
- Peephole optimization
- Dead code elimination
- Backend
- Register allocation
- Based on greedy allocator
- Remove split stage and simplify spill stage
- Loop-based spill weight calculation
- Phi elimination (in cooperation with IR mem2reg)
- Simple dead code elimination
- Strength reduction
- Peephole optimization
- Redundant code elimination
- Aggressive floating-point instruction fusion
- Register allocation