Converting contents of a HDF5 file into a JSON file.
This class contains methods to convert the contents of a [Hierachical Data Format file (HDF5)] ( into a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file. HDF5 files are not human readable and this class renders them in a human-readable data objects consisting of key–value pairs.
The method HDF5toJSON.converter creates a JSON file of the same name as the input HDF5 file with json extension. When decoded the file contains a nested dictionary.
Every object in an HDF5 file has a name, and the are arranged in a POSIX – style hierarchy with / separators. e.g.
The JSON file the objects are accesed as --
json_file = open('createdJSONfile.json')
for line in json_file:
record = json.loads(line)
print record['/']['group1']['group2']['dataArray']
There are also methods to access the contents of a group directly without following the hierarchy. e.g. if you want to check the contents hanging from group2, use method groupContents.
Check out my blog for a discussion on this class.