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Prometheus Scraper Support

Shamis Shukoor edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 1 revision

Enabling Prometheus metrics

  • In ddConfig table set [{dderl,dderl_prometheus,prometheusIsEnabled}] to true
  • Configure basic auth in prometheus using [{dderl,dderl_prometheus,prometheusAuth}] in ddConfig table

Configuring metrics

  • Metrics can be configured using [{dderl,dderl_prometheus,prometheusMetrics}] key in ddConfig. The default value is
    #{data_nodes => #{help => "Number of nodes in the cluster",labels => ["node","schema"],type => gauge},
      memory => #{help => "Memory",labels => ["node","schema"],type => gauge},
      port_count => #{help => "Number of Ports used",labels => ["node","schema"],type => gauge},
      process_count => #{help => "Process Count",labels => ["node","schema"],type => gauge},
      run_queue => #{help => "Run Queue Size",labels => ["node","schema"],type => gauge}}
  • type should be one of guage, histogram, counter, summary orboolean
  • help is a string or binary describing the metrics
  • key is the name of the metric for example data_nodes
  • labels(optional) correspond to the prometheus metric labels. Should be a list of string/binary
  • buckets(optional) can be used with histogram and summary
  • duration_unit(optional) can be used with summar

Configuring metrics fun

  • This is the function that is being executed to fetch the mertics when the scraper is invoked

  • Following is the default function. This can be changed by editing the value for key [{dderl,dderl_prometheus,prometheusMetricsFun}]

    fun (Config) ->
    #{data_nodes := DNodes} = imem_metrics:get_metric(data_nodes),
    #{port_count := Ports, process_count := Procs,
      erlang_memory := Memory, run_queue := RunQ} =
    Labels = [node(), imem_meta:schema()],
    maps:fold(fun (memory, _V, Acc) ->
       	  Acc#{memory => {Labels, Memory}};
             (process_count, _V, Acc) ->
       	  Acc#{process_count => {Labels, Procs}};
             (port_count, _V, Acc) ->
       	  Acc#{port_count => {Labels, 100}};
             (run_queue, _V, Acc) ->
       	  Acc#{run_queue => {Labels, RunQ}};
             (data_nodes, _V, Acc) ->
       	  Acc#{data_nodes => {Labels, length(DNodes)}};
             (K, V, Acc) -> Acc
          end, #{}, Config)
- When using labels with a metrics expected result is a two tuple with first element a list a labels and then the value. The default function uses node and schema as labels.
- If not using labels in then the just the metrics value can be returned.