VCFscope is a tool to investigate and report on the performance of a genome analysis pipeline. It does this by comparing variant calls (in vcf format, with a matched BAM file) generated by an analytical pipeline, to variant calls from a gold standard. Currently this is limited to germline sequencing of NA12878, compared to the GiaB consortium gold-standard reference. This DNAnexus app produces a raw data file (R's RDS format) that is then processed by VCFScope Report to make a detailed human-readable report.
- [Required] vcfgz: A
of variants called in an NA12878 sample. This must be a single-sample VCF file. - [Required] bam: A
of mapped reads used to generate the variants above. - [Required] bai: A
index for the BAM file above. - [Optional] region: A
file of genomic intervals; only variants overlapping at least one of these intervals will be considered in calculations. If missing, the entire genome and reportable range are considered.
The app unpacks a tar bundle, which contains:
the NIST v2.19 vcf and bed file
mdust low complexity regions
hs37d5 reference genome, in RTG format
reportable range files, as defined by Garvan
RTG executable
├── gold_standard │ ├── calls-2.19.vcf.gz │ ├── calls-2.19.vcf.gz.tbi │ └── valid_regions-2.19.bed.gz ├── redundant_regions │ └── mdust.bed.gz ├── reference │ └── hs37d5.sdf │ ├── done │ ├── format.log │ ├── mainIndex │ ├── namedata0 │ ├── nameIndex0 │ ├── namepointer0 │ ├── progress │ ├── seqdata0 │ ├── seqdata1 │ ├── seqdata2 │ ├── seqdata3 │ ├── seqpointer0 │ ├── seqpointer1 │ ├── seqpointer2 │ ├── seqpointer3 │ ├── sequenceIndex0 │ ├── suffixdata0 │ ├── suffixIndex0 │ ├── suffixpointer0 │ └── summary.txt ├── reportable_range │ ├── genome.bed.gz │ └── reportable_range.bed └── rtg-tools └── RTG.jar
- This has been tested extensively with R 3.2.0, and more recently, but to less extent, R 3.2.3. The R package dependencies are captured within the vcfscope-asset/Makefile.
- RDS of performance metrics.