Quote metaschema and validation (#216 ) (3bfecb2 ):
big new feature! 🎉 A contract-like exchange can now occur between a claimer and an attester.
CI badge (#233 ) (1c7c973 ):
because who doesn't like to see a green CI badge on a repository's README?
Added a whole suite of integration tests (#227 ) (5a3e145 ) 🧪🎊
Bug Fixes
Blockchain connection disconnect (#232 ) (31eed91 ):
fixed an issue where a connection looked open, when in fact it wasn't.
ctype.verifyStored() always returned false when owner not set (#231 ) (905b70d ):
fixed an issue where verifying that a CTYPE was stored on-chain was unreliable.
Take delegationId from request (#239 ) (62611d1 ):
fixed a bug that was causing issues in trust structures that include delegations.
DID module not found because of casing (#223 ) (d5fcb85 ):
fixed an issue where the SDK couldn't access the chain's DID functionalities.
Empty address was decoded to string representation (#218 ) (458f10f ):
You can’t perform that action at this time.