Implementation of an assembly program by using the MIPS instruction set in the MARS simulator, where for two given vectors, as arrays of integers, will calculate their sum and their scalar product.
Implemented a car alarm activation circuit system by using Logism, depending on the following input parameters:
- (A) Engine (running – 1, not running – 0)
- (B) Door (closed – 1, open – 0)
- (C) Belt (fitted – 1, not fitted – 0)
- (D) Seat (has driver – 1, no driver – 0)
- (E) Lights (on – 1, off – 0)
The car alarm (Y) is activated according to the following rules:
- The engine is running, there is no driver on the seat;
- The engine is running, the seat belt is not adjusted and there is a driver on the seat;
- The engine is running, the door is open, the seat belt is fastened, there is a driver on the seat;
- The engine is not running, there is no driver in the seat and the lights are on.
*Additional explanation of assigned tasks are described in Proekt1-2019.pdf and Proekt2_2019.pdf (in macedonian)