This is the VESTEC marshalling and control system, otherwise known as the VESTEC system, and resides in the VESTEC box of the diagram below. It interacts with end users, external data sources (e.g. sensors), and HPC machines to enable urgent workloads. Full documentation is available here.
VESTEC is an EU FET project (grant agreement number 800904) and the project website can be visited here
There are numerous public repositories available under the VESTEC-EU Github organisation. The VESTEC system is just one component of the overall project and in summary these are:
- VESTEC-EU/app-cwl the Common Workflow Language (CWL) descriptions for driving the project use-cases
- VESTEC-EU/app-install cross platform install scripts for VESTEC infrastructure and use-case specifics on HPC machines
- VESTEC-EU/iPIC3D version of iPID3D used for the space weather use-case
- VESTEC-EU/ttk version of TTK used for undertaking topological proxy generation for use-cases