Fifa GoBike System Data includes information about individual rides made in a bike-sharing system covering the greater San Francisco Bay area.
The dataset consists of 183412 rows and 16 columns --> 2 columns converted from string to datetime, 9 numerical columns and 5 object(string) columns.
The dataset after cleaning and adding some feature engineering became 174952 rows and 21 columns.
- duration_sec.
- start_time (After Filtration and turned into weekday and day and hour).
- member_birth_year(Used as age).
- member_gender.
- user_tyep.
- The duration vary from 100 to 5000 sec but it has a high peak at 500.
- The Age vary from 15 to 80 and has a high peak at 35.
- Most of the users are males and there is a few females and few other types.
- Most of the users are subscribers not customers.
- Weekend days has the least rides.
- 8 A.M and 5 P.M (17) has the most rides.
- There are no relation between the monthdays and the number of rides.
- Most of rides start and end in different stations.
- Customers do longer trips than subscribers.
- Females - in general - do longer trips than males and others.
- Older males do longer trips than females and others.