This Terraform module deploys a REST API to AWS API Gateway. It also deploys one or more Lambda functions that you provide and integrates them with the API.
- The API invoke URL will be output.
- The API is regional.
- All Lambda integrations are proxy integrations.
- The API is auto-deployed to a stage.
- No CORS. No request/response modeling/customization.
- Lambda functions should be pre-built and packaged into ZIPs.
- Defaults are used for Lambda memory and timeouts.
- For each Lambda function, the following is created:
- Permission to allow API Gateway to invoke it.
- CloudWatch log group and appropriate execution role.
Example: Provide inputs to this module as follows:
api_endpoints = {
"/" = { get = "lambda1" }
"/pets" = {
get = "lambda2"
post = "lambda1"
"/pets/{petID}" = { get = "lambda3" }
"/toys" = { get = "lambda3" }
lambda_functions = {
lambda1 = {
runtime = "nodejs14.x"
handler = "index.handler"
zip = "../"
lambda2 = {
runtime = "nodejs14.x"
handler = "index.handler"
zip = "../"
lambda3 = {
runtime = "python3.7"
handler = "index.handler"
zip = "../"