Quote Me is web app which allow you to see all quotes on the site, add quote to them, use comment feature and see others comments on yours.
This web app ๐ฑ was built to demonstrate the use of React, Redux, Router DOM, Switches, Error handling and real UX.
- Fetching data with 'GET' & 'POST' methods which enhance the UX and update the website after each quote is added.
- Navigation through dynamic URL and each component has a specific page with Routes.
- Database : Firebase receives every quote or comment is added and store it, then display it back.
- Sorting all quotes in ascending or descending order.
- Redirecting, replacing, pushing URL as a fallback.
This project was generated with React version 18.0.0.
Run npm start. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
I made this project in Maximilian's Full React Course. Resources: Full React Course - Maximilian. Made with love โค๏ธ by me.