Kubernetes based data platform built from open source components. The idea is to build data platform which uses only basic functionalities from provider like k8s, storageclass, s3. With this assumption it could be running at any cloud as well as at on-prem kubernetes.
In this repo you can see how to run it at local kubernetes (k3s) and at my hybrid homelab kubernetes (OCI + local VMs). My homelab setup you can see (with guest permissions) at https://yadp.xyz
Below you can find description of how I have prepared my setup. It is not generic instruction, so you can modify whatever you wish or replicaty my approach.
- Keycloak
- Trino
- Airflow
- monitoring (Prometheus + Grafana)
- Iceberg catalog (e.g. Apache Polaris)
- Minio
- Spark with custom scheduler (e.g. Apache Unicorn)
- Kafka
- Flink
- data vizualization (e.g. Apache Superset)
- SQL editor (e.g. CloudBeaver)
- IDE (Jupyter or VS Code)
- backups (Velero?)
- lineage (e.g. Marquez)
- logging
- artifactory (e.g. Nexus)
- Linux terminal. I am using Ubuntu for running pulumi commands.
- Kubernetes with credentials saved to proper contexts in file which path is in
. In my caselocal
for local dev k3s k8s and andeagle
for homelab k8s. - pulumi installed -> https://www.pulumi.com/docs/iac/download-install/
- Reuse existing or create new pulumi stacks and configure them to use proper kubernetes context:
pulumi stack select homelab pulumi config set kubernetes:context eagle pulumi stack select local pulumi config set kubernetes:context local
- Because I am not using neither pulumi cloud nor cloud encryption provider (like KMS), it is not safe to use
pulumi --secret
. I have decided to keep all initial passwords in env variables. So we need to set them in secure place and activate like:Where content of .yadp-secrets.sh could be like:source ~/.yadp-secrets.sh
- Domain with proper DNS records (In my case at godaddy.com)
- ClusterIssuer with letsencrypt ACME in
namespace. - Make sure that traffic from domain (
) will be routed to homelab k8s nginx ingress controller - Prepare storageclass for PVCs. I have truenas core server connected to k8s with democratic-csi
- Ability to create LoadBalancer service. E.g. installed metallb with ip pool created.
- To mimic DNS server locally, put following line in
:YOUR_IP_ADDRESS(non localhost) *.yadp.localhost
- Pass your loacal /etc/hosts to coredens (to let applications inside k8s to resolve your locally defined hostnames)
- Mount /etc/hosts to coredns pod
- Edit Coredns deployment
kubectl -n kube-system edit deployment coredns
- Add volume
volumes: - hostPath: path: /etc/hosts type: File name: etc-hosts
- Add volume mount
volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/hosts name: etc-hosts readOnly: true
- Edit Coredns deployment
- Configure coredns to use /etc/hosts
- Edit coredns configmap
kubectl edit configmap coredns -n kube-system
- Replace existing hosts section with new one
hosts /etc/hosts { ttl 60 reload 15s fallthrough }
- Edit coredns configmap
- Create root CA and add it to linux trusted certs and manually to chrome (Settings -> Privacy and security -> Security -> Manage certificates -> Authorities)
mkdir ~/yadp-certs openssl genrsa -out ~/yadp-certs/rootCA.key 2048 openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ~/yadp-certs/rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out ~/yadp-certs/rootCA.crt sudo cp ~/yadp-certs/rootCA.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/yadp-rootCA.crt sudo update-ca-certificates
- Add root ca to local k3s
kubectl config use-context local kubectl create ns cert-manager kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: root-ca namespace: cert-manager type: kubernetes.io/tls data: tls.crt: $(cat ~/yadp-certs/rootCA.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n') tls.key: $(cat ~/yadp-certs/rootCA.key | base64 | tr -d '\n') EOF
- Create persistence dir for some PVCs:
mkdir -p ~/yadp_k3s_persistence_dir
- Mount /etc/hosts to coredns pod
- When starting new terminal, run init script to use local backend file and to load secrets as env variables.
source ./init-pulumi.sh
- Select proper pulumi stack (destinantion kubernetes cluster) and double check the chosen one, e.g:
pulumi stack select local pulumi stack ls
- Create or update platform
pulumi up