Clever-Bank is a console-based banking application designed to manage multiple banks, users, and accounts, facilitating secure transactions, interest calculations, and generating detailed receipts.
It adheres to SOLID principles and ensures asynchronous operations in a multi-threaded environment, with a focus on code quality and maintainability.
- Deposit and withdrawal of funds.
- Transfers between clients of Clever-Bank and clients of other banks.
- Automatic interest charge on accounts at the end of the month.
- Generation and saving of checks for each transaction.
- Multithreading and deadlock protection.
- Java 17
- Maven
- PostgreSQL
- Lombok
- Servlets
- Docker
The application operates with the following entities:
- Bank: keeps accounts and users.
- User: owns one or more accounts.
- Account: used for money transactions.
- Transaction: Record of any account transaction.
- Install Homebrew (for installing other programs):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install Maven using Homebrew:
brew install maven
- Check an installation:
mvn -v
- Install docker (
- Run docker app locally.
- Run docker-compose.yaml
- Run
For a successful code compilation with lombok we need:
Turn on Annotation Processors: Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors.
Add this to pom.xml:
</plugin> - third API to get currency rates