(Final Project: Consensys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp)
The Really Really Free Market (RRFM) is distributed network of peers which allows for the trustless gifting of material goods.
- Peer A lists an item in the marketplace
- Peer B requests ownership of the item
- The item is taken out of the marketplace until Peer A responds to the request.
- Peer A accepts or rejects the request
- If the request is accepted:
- A verification process is triggered on the network
- Once the request is verified the state of ownership of the item is transfered to Peer B
- A (hypothetical) self driving vehicle or drone is then triggered by a smart contract to deliver the item to the new owner.
- Confirmation of delivery by Peer B ends the transferal process (and potentially rewards Peer A with a token?).
- If the request is rejected:
- The item is placed back into the marketplace
- If the request is accepted:
Tokens ensure that the marketplace is not misused.
- On joining the marketplace the user recieves x amount of tokens
- When a peer recieves an item from the marketplace x amount of tokens are deducted from their account
- When a peer lists and succesfully gifts an item to another peer x amount of tokens are deposited in their account
- If a user has 0 tokens they cannot request an item from the marketplace.
- The concept is based on the real world "Really Really Free Market" which allows for the gifting of goods and services. Further Reading: [Really Really Free Market - Wikipedia] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Really_Really_Free_Market)
- Seed Exchange