Hello! my name is Kedree Proffitt, I am was a dual major at the University of Michigan Flint pursuing Physics and Data Analytics (they did not offer enough classes in time for me to graduate on time, I will instead graduate early with a few minors). I enjoy using techonology to
make the surreptitious kernels of knowledge that hide in plain sight more obvious. By using data analytics and a deep knowledge of our topic we can solve any
problem that crosses our skiddish gaze!
Here are some highlights of some interesting projects I have undertaken:
Data Analytics
Near Earth Objects (CSC 302 Final and Pet Project for Weeks)
- Obtained asteroid and metorite data from NASA's database API
- Cleaned the data to only include relevant near earth data
- Combined this with other NASA close approach data to create a stronger data set with more information on each asteroid
- Created many figures with some help from classmates but I am most proud of this image which was made by myself only, more info is available in my DataAnalysisUMF repo
Used Car Data (CSC 302 Midterm)
Many more Data Analytics Projects to come!
Hamiltonian Time Evolution Graph (Research assistant work for UM-Flint quantum computation UROP)
Electricity and Magnetism Dual Opposite Ring Charge Electric Field Calculator along Z Axis with GUI
- This was my Electricity and Magnetism first Lab, we were offered a new choice our teacher was testing out, do the old PHET simulation labs or do something interesting, a computational project...
- He tested the waters of our abilities by asking us to do the above calculation theoretically and then do it numerically, as its my first EVER GUI its quite basic, but the future labs will look and behave better!
- This was written in Python and with the help of Qt Designer I made the GUI, much of the calculations were done in Python and the equations were derived on whiteboards and Mathematica.
Many more GUI projects on the way...