A. chview: Change Viewpoint by Moving Atomic Configurations
B. topdb: Export Selected Frames and Atoms as PDB a Trajectory File
C. pickconfig: Export Selected Frames as a Scaled Coordination File
D. ssr: Render Snapshots of Selected Frames
E. makebonds: Make Bondlists for All Frames
F. readbonds: Read Bondlist and Update Every Frames
G. readdata: Read Trajectory Value as "User" Variable
Select "VMD Main -> Extansions -> TkConsole"
Execute "source (path)/misawa.tcl"
Execute functions
(How to use)
chview -shift { $x $y $z }:
--- shift atomic positions in {$x $y $z} (ang.) in boundary box.
|$x|, |$y| and |$z| must be smaller than Lx, Ly and Lz
chview -com "$selection":
--- fit center of mass of $selection to center of view
chview -gc "$selection":
--- fit geometrical center of $selection to center of view
chview -reset
--- reset view
Example: chview -com "name O H"
--- fit center of mass of oxygen and hydrogen to center of view
Memo: Input lattice constant is required
("pbc set {$a $b $c $alpha $beta $gamma} -all" on Tk Console)
Only for orthorhombic cell
(How to use)
topdb $i $j $filename
$i: start frame
$j: end frame
topdb -skip $sk -sel $selection $i $j $filename
$selsction: selection of atoms (like as "name Fe O")
$sk: skip frames
Example: topdb -skip 5 0 100 trajectory.pdb
C. pickconfig: Export Selected Frame as a Scaled Coordination File
(How to use)
pickconfig $frame $filename
$frame: default frame is "now"
$filename: default filename is "Config.dat"
Memo: Input lattice constant is required
("pbc set {$a $b $c $alpha $beta $gamma} -all" on Tk Console)
Only for orthorhombic cell
(How to use)
ssr -frames $i $j
$i: initial frame number
$j: final frame number
ssr -frame $i
$i: render frame
(other options)
ssr -frame $i -form $text -skip $s -rend $r
$text: format type (default: tga)
$s: skip every $s frame (default: 1)
$rend: render type (default: 0)
$r = 0: Snapshots
$r = 1: Internal Tachyon
Example: ssr -frames 0 100 -rend TachyonInternal
--- Frame000.tga ~ Frame100.tga will be created by Tachyon
(How to use)
makebonds $filename
(default filename is "./bondlist.dat")
then enter the cutoff distances in ang.
makebonds -pbc $filename
--- make bondlist with considering PBC
(please execute "readbonds" with "-pbc" option
when you apply a bondlist created with this option)
note: cutoff distance should be less than 3.0 ang.
3 5 10 neighbors of atom 1, step 0
neighbors of atom 2, step 0 (if no neighbors: empty)
1 12 100 neighbors of atom 3, step 0
30 40 50 neighbors of atom n, step 0
3 5 10 12 neighbors of atom 1, step 1
3 neighbors of atom 1, step 1
Memo: Input lattice constant is required
("pbc set {$a $b $c $alpha $beta $gamma} -all" on Tk Console)
Only for orthorhombic cell
VMD will be stop if there are too many atoms or frames
Create bondlists on other workspace (not on VMD) is recommended
(How to use)
readbonds $filename
default filename is "./bondlist.dat"
readbonds -pbc $filename
--- remove PBC bond with keeping "numbonds"
if bond distance > 3 ang., it will be considered as PBC bond
Bondlist is available only for "Bonds" or "CPK" in Representation.
The bondlist is available only for current box.
(if "pbc wrap -shiftcenter" or "chview" is done after readbonds,
"Bonds" or "CPK" will not represent exactlly.)
3 5 10 neighbors of atom 1, step 0
neighbors of atom 2, step 0 (if no neighbors: empty)
1 12 100 neighbors of atom 3, step 0
30 40 50 neighbors of atom n, step 0
3 5 10 12 neighbors of atom 1, step 1
3 neighbors of atom 1, step 1
Memo: Input lattice constant is required
("pbc set {$a $b $c $alpha $beta $gamma} -all" on Tk Console)
Only for orthorhombic cell
(How to use)
readdata $filename -str $i $j -var $var
$filename: path of datafile
$i, $j: data strength (default: $i = 4, $j = 6)
$var: variable name (default: user) e.g. user, user2, user3, ...
readdata ./coordination.dat -var use2
DATA 1.0 value for atom 1, step 0
DATA 2.0 value for atom 2, step 0
DATA 1.5 value for atom 3, step 0
DATA 1.2 value for atom n, step 0
DATA 1.0 value for atom 1, step 1
DATA 2.0 value for atom 2, step 1