A basic TYPO3 extension which includes examples for useful TYPO3 functions to use in new extensions. It could be used as example in the TYPO3 Bootstrap package.
- [Example-1]: Extension Manager configuration file reading (ext_conf_template.txt)
- [Example-2]: an update script which could be executed in Extension Manager
- [Example-3]: a basic composer.json file
- [Example-4]: a custom content element which uses default fields and shows a backend preview (button)
- [Example-5]: an Extbase plugin which shows a basic backend preview and renders two buttons to demonstrate AJAX requests
- [Example-6]: an example Extbase dispatcher for rendering AJAX requests via eID
- [Example-7]: an example for AJAX requests with typoscript_rendering extension
- [Example-8]: automatically include the constants and setup for the extension
- [Example-9]: a backend module to show the basic functionality
- [Example-10]: a default scheduler task with custom fields
- [Example-11]: a scheduler task as command controller task (could be executed via command line)
- [Example-12]: register extension icons with the icon registry
- [Example-13]: custom flash messages ViewHelper to get all flash messages used in [Example-2]
The simplest way to test the extension is to use the TYPO3 Bootstrap package as base system. You need also the extension typoscript_rendering.
The recommended way to install the extension is by using (Composer)2. In your Composer based TYPO3 project root, just do composer require ehaerer/eh-bootstrap
Download and install the extension with the extension manager module.
No special setup is needed. All files will be included automatically. Read the documentation.