Data Plotter is a lightweight 2D data plotting and analysis application. It is licsensed under the GPLv2 license. See the wiki for more information.
DataPlotter is built upon wxWidgets, OpenGL, and Freetype2. It compiles and runs under both MSW and GTK.
DataPlotter was created as a simple and fast means for visualizing data. Simply drag-and-drop a file containing delimited numerical data, choose which columns to draw, and look at your data.
Plot interaction is handled with mouse clicks (click-and-drag to pan, right-click-and-drag to zoom), and data can be manipulated by right clicking on curves in the grid below the plot area, and following menu options. DataPlotter supports a variety of mathematical operations on datasets, including discrete filtering, FFT, and user-specified arethemetic operations.
Feedback is welcome! Please log any issues/feature requests through the GitHub issue tracker.