- 👋 Hi, I’m Kevin Chow
- 👀 I’m a curious data enthusiast working in the financial industry
- 🌱 I’m actively exploring the technologies in quantitative methods, machine learning and data science
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on different interesting projects
- 📫 How to reach me? You can drop me an email at [email protected] to tell me your thoughts or anything that you are happy to share!
📑My Projects on GitHub
Household Finance Dashboard: https://github.com/Kevin-qt/Household-Finance-DashboardDrug Classification: https://github.com/Kevin-qt/DrugABC-Classification
SpaceX Falcon 9 First Stage Landing Prediction: https://github.com/Kevin-qt/SpaceX-Falcon-9-First-Stage-Landing-Prediction
Scratch Game: Shooting Range: https://github.com/Kevin-qt/Scratch-Mini-Project-Shooting-Range