This repo is structured just like build-harness
, and is pulled in via:
In order to use the build harness and extensions, make yourself a token that at least has repo
access, and add the following to your Makefile
# GITHUB_USER containing '@' char must be escaped with '%40'
GITHUB_USER := $(shell echo $(GITHUB_USER) | sed 's/@/%40/g')
-include $(shell [ -f ".build-harness-bootstrap" ] || curl --fail -sSL -o .build-harness-bootstrap -H "Authorization: token $(GITHUB_TOKEN)" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw" ""; echo .build-harness-bootstrap)
Some OSes seem to have trouble with the V3 API for github - here is an alternate invocation that uses the V4 API:
-include $(shell [ -f ".build-harness-bootstrap" ] || curl --fail -H 'Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}' -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v4.raw' -L -o .build-harness-bootstrap; echo .build-harness-bootstrap)