Welcome to Edge Computing
This Python script demonstrates real-time object detection using the YOLOv5 model. The script captures video from the camera stream, performs inference on each frame using YOLOv5, draws bounding boxes around detected objects, and displays the processed video in a Tkinter window. Additionally, it prints messages based on the detected objects, such as whether a cell phone is detected or if multiple people are detected.
- Python 3.x
- PyTorch
- OpenCV (cv2)
- Tkinter
- Pillow (PIL)
- YOLOv5 model (from Ultralytics repository)
pip install torch opencv-python-headless pillow
Clone this repository or copy the script
to your local environment. -
Make sure your camera is connected and accessible.
Run the script using the following command:
python object_detection.py
This Python script demonstrates real-time gaze tracking using a pre-traned model: shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat
. It gives the exact position of the pupils and the gaze direction in real time. Additionally, it prints messages based on gaze direction.
- OpenCV
pip install numpy
pip install opencv_python
pip install dlib
Clone this repository or copy the folder
to your local environment. -
Make sure your camera is connected and accessible.
Run the script using the following command:
python gaze.py
This Python script demonstrates real-time sound detection using pyaudio. The script captures sound of certain threshold input and sent feedback if talking is dectected.
- pyaudio
pip install pyaudio
Clone this repository or copy the script
audio dectection.py
to your local environment. -
Make sure your camera is connected and accessible.
Run the script using the following command:
python audio dectection.py
This Python script demonstrates real-time OCR using pytesseract. The script will detect all English words on the screen and if its contain certain keywords, its will flag the user.
- pytesseract
pip install pytesseract
Clone this repository or copy the script
to your local environment. -
Make sure your camera is connected and accessible.
Run the script using the following command:
python OCR.py