News Search App created as the last project in the Android Basics Nanodegree
This app communicates with The Guardian API to get basic news items and show thgem to the user. It has a default search query, but the user can edit the query based on date ranges, keywords, and news items per query
- RecyclerView: To display the news items
- Adapter (for the RecyclerView)
- Loaders & Loader Manager: To load data from The Guardian API independantly from the Main Activity.
- RESTful calls: To handle communicating with The Guardian API through HTTP URL Connections
- Preference Fragment: To allow the user to change some of the query attributes such as "from_date", "to_date", "page_size", etc...
- Dark Mode: Implemented a dark mode for the app, which can be changed in the preferences fragment, or if the system is dark mode compatible (Android 10+)