(Below is from a data in KITTI 3D Object Detection Dataset)
MacOS or Ubuntu
Mayavi (visualization Only)
Anaconda preferred (optional)
git clone https://github.com/KleinYuan/tf-3d-object-detection.git
# Simply run this in this project root folder
cd tf-3d-object-detection
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you meet error install say opencv
, do conda install opencv
if you use Anaconda. Otherwise, dude, build from source and let's call it a day.
In here we support 5 different 2D Detection models:
Model name | Speed | COCO mAP | Outputs |
ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco | fast | 21 | Boxes |
ssd_inception_v2_coco | fast | 24 | Boxes |
rfcn_resnet101_coco | medium | 30 | Boxes |
faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco | medium | 32 | Boxes |
faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco | slow | 37 | Boxes |
Pick one of those that makes you feel good, and find it in the list -- _DETECTOR_2D_OPTIONS
in configs/configs
then replace it with the value of _DETECTOR_2D_MODEL_NAME
And by default, I use ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017
due to it's fast.
Due to the license of KITTI is waaaaaaaaaaay to long to read, I will just tell ya how to do it instead of running a risk to attach here with some data from KITTI, which when I downloaded it I clicked some button to have agreed on something that's TLTR.
# Step1 Go to http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_object.php?obj_benchmark=3d
# Step2 Do "Download left color images of object data set (12 GB)"
# Step3 Do "Download Velodyne point clouds, if you want to use laser information (29 GB)"
# Step4 Do "Download camera calibration matrices of object data set (16 MB)"
# Step5 Unzip all those three zip files and you will find ~7000ish training datasets, each pair include velodyne, image and calibration
# Step6 Pick one of them, copy and paste it under example_data folder, and name the image to 1.png, and velodyne file to 1.bin
# Step7 Open calibration file, find corresponding item and replace it with CALIB_PARAM in configs/configs.py, by default, it's from training/000000.txt
# Step8 Really sorry to let you go thru last 7 Steps and I think I may come up with a better idea to do it with one button
As you may see, this project combined 2 Deep Neural Networks together. Therefore, yes you need to download two pre-trained model.
2D Object Detector Model | 3D Object Detector Model |
Download Link | Download v1 and v2 is not supported yet (originally from here) |
Then, unzip them and put them under pretrained
folder. Also, renamed the checkpoint.txt
file to checkpoint
even though it's useless and you cannot freeze it :unhappy: .
The folder will look like this:
|-- pretrained
|-- checkpoint (originally named checkpoint.txt)
|-- log_train.txt
|-- model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
|-- model.ckpt
|-- model.ckpt.meta
|-- ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017 (or other names if you decide to use different ones)
|-- frozen_inference_graph.pb
|-- graph.pbtxt
|-- model.ckpt-0.data-00000-of-00001
|-- model.ckpt-0.index
|-- model.ckpt-0.meta
You may realize this fact thus 3D object detection model is not really frozenable one.
(Hopefully they can disclose the original tensorflow ops for v1 so that we can remove both tf.py_func
and freeze the model)
# If you use Pycharm, just click the green run button
# If not, navigate to root folder of this repo and run:
python apps/demo.py
# If it complains, yo, I cannot find some modules, yo, do:
export PYTHONPATH='.'
python apps/demo.py
# And if you still have the issue, man, you must really mess up with your python env.
# I don't wanan help you on that in this readme and don't create an issue for that as well.
# You shall either try using anaconda or find a python knower to help you with it
# Or, just do STACKOVERFLOW like other pals do
Then you should be able to see 3 Windows pop up in order, and don't forget to Press any key to continue
as the terminal mention.
Project Template: AIInAi/tensorflow-project-template
FPNet Code: Dark-Rinnegan/frustum-pointnets