go-cisco-webex-teams is a Go client library for the Cisco Webex Teams API.
import webexteams "github.com/jbogarin/go-cisco-webex-teams/sdk"
- 2019-08-12: Tag v0.2.0: Breaking change, moved from resty v1 to resty v2. Include paginate option in List query params
- 2019-09-10: Tag v0.3.0: Breaking change, removed complexity from client, resty is a dependency for the library but it is not longer necessary to import it in the code using the SDK.
Authorization token can be defined in environment variable as WEBEX_TEAMS_ACCESS_TOKEN or within the code:
Client = webexteams.NewClient()
Client.SetAuthToken("<WEBEX TEAMS TOKEN>")
- Documentation
- In the code files
- In the README
- Examples
- Testing
This library is distributed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
This library is inspired by the following ones: