NOTE: This repository was archived. Please use latest version that was re-written using 4D v18R3 feature.
4D Component which includes methods to help your web developing.
By Installing this component into your 4D project, several methods are added to your 4D project, in order for making web developing easier.
4D v18 or above
This is a 4D component, so you should build this source as 4D component and place it in the "Components" folder of your project root.
Please refer to the wiki.
Also small sample demo is in the "test" folder. Just launch it with 4D v18 Standalone and connect to it with your favorite web browser via http://localhost/.
Please refer to "LICENSE" file.
Archived (2020-05-07) Added new Router (2020-04-26) Moved HttpServer.vhost to new Virtualhost (2020-04-23)