This is a very lightweight program to show a popup with the dictionary entry of the selected text. It uses Xlib for displaying the popup and sdcv for the dictionary lookup.
That program is intended to be used for reading monolingual dictionaries in goldendict-ng , it can serve others purposes, but the main goal is that you don't need to wait years until you complete your monolingual transition.
notice that most of them might be already installed, they are:
sselp , sdcv, perl
- GNU/Linux
- FreeBSD
- suckless_dictpopup is available as a package in our repository
First setup sdcv according to their github page.
Then install with sudo make install
Uninstall with sudo make uninstall
If you would like to automatically lookup a word on every selection (recommended) , then take a look at the following script:
This is not meant to be running all the time, since it looks up everything that goes into the clipboard.
Disable when using mpvacious for example.
Bind to a shortcut
To add a keyboard shortcut, you can use options of your WM or DE. You can also use sxhkd.
The popup can be dismissed by clicking on it.
Here is a snippet from someone's ~/.config/i3/config showing how to bind dictpopup
to a keyboard shortcut.
# Run dictpopup
bindsym $mod+c exec --no-startup-id dictpopup
The styling can be changed in config.h
and then recompile to apply.
There is also a xresources patch from herbe
that you could try to apply if you like.
can also be used as a standalone program to show the contents of stdin.
- Completed
- Work in Progress
- Switch between words in a given sentence by using the arrow keys or any user-defined key; Sudachi can be used to accomplish that.
- Clipboard watch toggle