RT-Sort: an action potential propagation-based algorithm for real time spike detection and sorting with millisecond latencies
This repository contains all of the code used in the development of RT-Sort and used to create the figures in the RT-Sort publication. The source code is divided into 3 main folders. The folders and some highlighted scripts are described below:
- spike_detection: Training and validating the DL models used for spike detection.
- spikesort_matlab4.py: Spike sort (with Kilosort2) and curate recordings used for training and validating the DL model
- train/single_mea.ipynb and train/single_neuropixels.ipynb: The core training and validating of the MEA and Neuropixels models, respectively.
- spike_sorting: The sequence detection and spike assignment portion of RT-Sort (and some code for validating the DL models).
- run_alg/si_rec13: Jupyter Notebooks that start with this run the complete RT-Sort algorithm (from sequence detecting to simulated real time spike sorting) on a specific recording or group of recordings.
si_rec13_patch.ipynb: Ground truth MEA
si_rec13_ground_truth.ipynb: Simulated mouse in vivo Neuropixels
si_rec13.ipynb: Mouse in vivo Neuropixels
- run_alg/si_rec13: Jupyter Notebooks that start with this run the complete RT-Sort algorithm (from sequence detecting to simulated real time spike sorting) on a specific recording or group of recordings.
- additional_analysis: Additional analyses not included in spike_detection or spike_sorting, such as Figure 4B-G.
In terminal with Anaconda installed, run conda env create -f env.yml
to create the Python environment with all the libraries with the correct versions installed.
If that does not work, install the following Python libraries (ideally with the specified versions):
- h5py==3.7.0
- numpy==1.21.6
- matplotlib==3.5.3
- scipy==1.7.3
- scikit-learn==1.0.2
- torch==1.12.1+cu113
- torch_tensorrt==1.2.0
- diptest==0.6.0
- tqdm==4.65.0
- spikeinterface==0.94.0
- jupyter==1.0.0
- comet-ml==3.36.0
Many scripts act as modules for other scripts. For the scripts in src/spike_detection
, src
used in import statements refers to the folder src/spike_detection
. For the scripts in src/spike_sorting
, src
used in import statements refers to the folder src/spike_sorting
There are some discrepancies in the terminology used in the source code and the RT-Sort publication. The following are the most notable:
- Variations of propagation signal, such as
, refer to the RT-Sort algorithm. latencies
in the source code refer to "time intervals" and "latencies" in the RT-Sort publication, respectively.clusters
may refer to "preliminary propagation sequences" depending on the context.SI
refer to Neuropixels.
Tjitse van der Molen: [email protected]
Max Lim: [email protected]