Anything related to the DataFrame Compiler Plugin
CSV / delim related issues
Improvements or additions to documentation (not KDocs)
This issue or pull request already exists
Improves the learning experience of new users
Something related to the examples
reading/writing from/to files
Good issues to pick-up for newcomers
Extra attention is needed, feel free to help :)
GitHub actions, Gradle Scripts, Writerside, etc.
This issue/PR doesn't seem right
Improvements or additions to KDocs
We cannot reproduce this issue atm, needs extra attention
Changes related to OpenAPI, JSON (schema), etc.
Something related to how fast the library can handle data
Further information is requested
This requires a deeper dive to gather a better understanding
Something related to the JUnit tests, integration tests or testing infrastructure
Label assigned to issues that are collections of smaller issues
This will not be worked on