Analysim is a free online web platform enabling researchers to analyze and share data by providing interactive visualizations, and collaborate with others. The open platform is specialized for working with high-dimensional data sets such as those constructed via computational modeling. Analysim also allows you to run custom analysis on any type of data.
Clone the Analysim Repository from GitHub so that you have the project locally.
git clone
- Visual Studio or ASP.Net 6.0 command-line interface (CLI) (Required)
- Visual Studio Code or other editor
- Postman for testing API calls
- Docker for testing deployment
- Azure Data Studio or use online Azure Portal for browsing Azure Blob Storage
After you have cloned the Analysim repository on your local machine,
use the terminal to navigate to the
folder and run the following
npm install
Analysim requires two databases to operate: one SQL database (PostgreSQL) for relational data and one Azure BlobStorage database for keeping uploaded user files. In addition, an Outlook account is needed for the email functionality. All of these services are accessed via authentication information stored in the appsettings.json
and appsettings.Development.json
files under the src/Analysim.Web
folder. The structure of the files are as follows (XXX
means redacted):
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DBConnectionString": "User ID=XXX;Password=XXX;Server=XXX;Port=5432;Database=XXX;Integrated Security=true;Pooling=true;SSL Mode=Require;Trust Server Certificate=true",
"AzureStorageConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=XXX;AccountKey=XXX;"
"EmailSettings": {
"Server": "",
"Port": 587,
"SenderName": "no-reply-analysim",
"SenderEmail": "XXX",
"Username": "XXX",
"Password": "XXX"
"JwtSettings": {
"Issuer": "AnalySim",
"Secret": "XXX",
"ExpireTime": 60,
"Audience": ""
"UserQuota": 100000000
If you don't have a SQL database yet, download and install PostgreSQL. See the example for installing on Ubuntu 22.04. Create a user account (tutorial) and replace the XXX
values in the DBConnectionString
above with the correct ones. Once you entered the correct details, you must be able to initialize and populate the database by using the Entity Framework migration with the command:
dotnet ef database update
If you don't have an existing blob storage account, log into Microsoft Azure, and create a "Storage Account" with "Blob service" enabled. Then, select "Access Keys" on the left sidebar menu and copy one of the keys and insert both to replace the XXX
in the AzureStorageConnectionString
entry above. You will also need to insert your storage account name. In the same section on Azure, you can see the formatting for the correct Connection String as a guide. Blob storage falls under the free student services.
You can either use an existing Outlook account or create a new one and then fill in the XXX
values under the section EmailSettings
in the above file.
Step 1:
In Visual Studio Code (or other editor), open up the Analysim
project folder. Using a terminal, navigate to
and run the following command (also works
from Command Line):
ng serve -o
Step 2:
Next, in Visual Studio, open up the AnalySim.sln
file. Click on
the run to start the project. Once you have completed both steps,
your project should be up and running!
Alternatively, without Visual Studio, you use .Net CLI from command
line by first navigating into the src\Analysim.Web
dotnet run
The overall process of deployment is explained in the tutorial video on deploying ASP.Net on Heroku using Docker.
- Download Docker Desktop
- Download Heroku CLI
- Enable Docker Support
Note: Prepend sudo
before each docker
and heroku
(except dotnet
) command on Mac/Linux.
- Publish Analysim.Web to the local folder (keep default location for folder), which can also be done on the command line:
dotnet publish --configuration Release
- Create the Docker image by running the following in the base project folder (e.g.
) :docker build -t analysim-dev -f deploy/Dockerfile .
- Test image locally, by running it:
You can test by opening a browser to http://localhost:80 (not https).
docker run -it -p analysim-dev
Note: Prepend sudo
before each docker
and heroku
(except dotnet
) command on Mac/Linux.
Run the following commands in terminal to update Heroku deployment (more info):
- Login to Heroku and container service (if using
, you may need to copy-paste into browser):heroku login heroku container:login
- Tag the image name on Heroku's container registry:
docker tag analysim-dev docker push
- Change to the
folder and re-build image using Heroku CLI:cd deploy heroku container:push web -a analysim-dev --context-path=.. heroku container:release web -a analysim-dev
Two successful application examples can be found under the doc/ folder.