ThreeDViewer is a React component library for easily integrating Three.js-based 3D viewers into your web applications. It provides a simple and customizable way to display and interact with 3D objects in your React projects.
- Easy integration with React applications
- Customizable viewer settings
- Support for various 3D object formats
- Built-in camera and map controls
- Optional gizmo controller
- Responsive design
- Ability to handle external scenes and Three.js objects
- Path tracing for high-quality rendering with customizable parameters
- Environment map support for realistic lighting and reflections
- Screenshot capture when rendering is complete (optional)
To install ThreeDViewer, run the following command in your project directory:
npm install threedviewer
or if you're using yarn:
yarn add threedviewer
Here's a super simple example of how to use the SimpleViewer
component in your React application:
You just need to pass a url model and use it as a regular jsx component.
import React from 'react';
import { SimpleViewer } from 'threedviewer';
function App() {
return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '400px' }}>
<SimpleViewer object={''} />
export default App;
Here's a basic example of how to use the SimpleViewer
import React from 'react';
import { SimpleViewer } from 'threedviewer';
import * as THREE from 'three';
function App() {
// Create a simple cube
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '400px' }}>
<SimpleViewer object={cube} />
export default App;
ThreeDViewer now supports handling external Three.js scenes and objects, allowing for more advanced configurations and custom controls. Here's an example that integrates external camera, scene, and controls:
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls';
import { SimpleViewer, type SimpleViewerOptions, defaultOptions } from 'threedviewer';
function App() {
const mountRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
const rendererRef = useRef<THREE.WebGLRenderer | null>(null);
const cameraRef = useRef<THREE.PerspectiveCamera | null>(null);
const sceneRef = useRef<THREE.Scene | null>(null);
const controlsRef = useRef<OrbitControls | null>(null);
const [camera, setCamera] = useState<THREE.PerspectiveCamera | null>(null);
const [scene, setScene] = useState<THREE.Scene | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (cameraRef.current) {
if (sceneRef.current) {
}, []);
const options: SimpleViewerOptions = useMemo(() => ({
staticScene: false,
backgroundColor: '#000000',
camera: {,
position: [12 * 6, 12 * 6, 12 * 6],
target: [0, 0, 0],
fov: 60,
autoFitToObject: false,
lights: {
ambient: { intensity: 0.5 },
directional: { position: [10, 10, 5] },
helpers: {
grid: true,
axes: true,
addGizmo: true, // New gizmo option
threeBaseRefs: {
scene: sceneRef,
camera: cameraRef,
mountPoint: mountRef,
controls: controlsRef,
renderer: rendererRef,
}), []);
return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100vh' }}>
<SimpleViewer object={null} options={options} />
export default App;
In this example, we demonstrate how to use external scene references, handle camera controls, and customize the viewer options, allowing more flexibility in your 3D environment.
The main component for displaying 3D objects.
(required): A Three.jsObject3D
to be displayed in the viewer.options
(optional): An object containing viewer options (see below).
accepts an options
prop for customization. Here's an overview of available options:
const defaultOptions: SimpleViewerOptions = {
staticScene: true, // It stops animation loop if there is no interactions
backgroundColor: '#f0f0f7', // From BACKGROUND_COLOR constant
camera: {
cameraPosition: [2, 6, 2],
cameraTarget: [0, 0, 0], // Center of the scene
cameraFov: 75, // From initializeCamera
cameraNear: 0.1, // From initializeCamera
cameraFar: 100000, // From initializeCamera
autoFitToObject: true,
lightning: {
ambientLight: {
color: '#404040',
intensity: Math.PI,
hemisphereLight: {
skyColor: '#ffffbb',
groundColor: '#080820',
intensity: 1,
directionalLight: {
color: '#ffffff',
intensity: Math.PI,
position: new THREE.Vector3(6, 6, 6),
castShadow: true,
shadow: {
mapSize: {
width: 4096,
height: 4096,
camera: {
near: 0.5,
far: 50,
left: -10,
right: 10,
top: 10,
bottom: -10,
bias: -0.001,
radius: 1,
renderer: {
antialias: true,
alpha: false,
shadowMapEnabled: true,
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,
shadowMapType: THREE.VSMShadowMap,
toneMapping: THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping,
toneMappingExposure: 1,
controls: {
type: ControlType.OrbitControls, // 'OrbitControls' or 'MapControls'
enabled: true, // Controls are used in setupScene
enableDamping: true, // From setupScene
dampingFactor: 0.25, // From setupScene
enableZoom: true, // From setupScene
enableRotate: true, // Default for OrbitControls
enablePan: true, // Default for OrbitControls
helpers: {
gridHelper: true,
color: '#333333',
axesHelper: false,
object3DHelper: false,
addGizmo: false, // new Gizmo control is disabled by default
threeBaseRefs: {
mountPoint: {current: null},
scene: { current: null },
camera: { current: null },
renderer: { current: null },
controls: { current: null },
animationLoop: null,
usePathTracing: true, // Enables path tracing for high-quality rendering
maxSamplesPathTracing: 300, // Limits the number of samples for path tracing
envMapUrl: '', // Environment map URL for lighting and reflections
pathTracingSettings: {
bounces: 8,
transmissiveBounces: 4,
lowResScale: 0.7,
renderScale: 1.0,
enablePathTracing: true,
dynamicLowRes: true,
replaceWithScreenshotOnComplete: false, // Option to replace viewer with a screenshot after path tracing is complete
studioEnvironment: true, // Enables a studio-like lighting environment
ThreeDViewer now supports path tracing for high-quality rendering with customizable settings:
: Enables or disables path tracing.maxSamplesPathTracing
: Limits the number of path tracing samples to prevent infinite rendering.pathTracingSettings
: Customizes path tracing settings, including:bounces
: Number of light bounces.transmissiveBounces
: Number of transmissive bounces.lowResScale
: Low-resolution scale factor for performance optimization.renderScale
: Controls the overall rendering scale.enablePathTracing
: Enables the path tracing mode.dynamicLowRes
: Adjusts resolution dynamically based on performance.
To improve lighting and reflections, ThreeDViewer supports environment maps:
: You can provide a URL to an environment map. For example:envMapUrl: ''
This will automatically load and apply the environment map to the scene.
If replaceWithScreenshotOnComplete
is set to true
, the viewer will be replaced with a static image once path tracing completes.