Tags: LHNCBC/metamaplite
Merge pull request #16 from dcronkite/feature/add-negation-to-json-ou… …tput Added negation to json output
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lhncbc/metamaplite
Fixed error in MMI treecode output Changed treecode lookup to use concept preferred name instead of synonym.
Fixed error when calling OpenNLP's Part-of-Speech tagger Whitespace tokens were present when calling OpenNLP's part-of-speech tagger. This causes the tagger to produce erroreous tag predictions in many cases. A token list without whitespace tokens is now passed to the POS tagger and the results are remerged into original token list.
Updated project version to 3.6.2rc2 in maven project file
Added missing scheduler options --scheduler and -E Along with implementation of citation end indicator after result output.
Refactored initialization of OpenNLP tools, updated release version The initialization of sentence breaker, PoS tagger, and chunker has been moved to allow them to be invoked only when necessary. Updated build, project, and script files to release 3.6.1p2.