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Masternode setup guide
This guide provides instructions for deploying and starting a masternode on the LIZ network.
This guide is a temporary guide and will be updated as soon as the new wallet is released.
10.001 LIZ
A main wallet (We’ll use the Windows Wallet)
A Server (Ubuntu 16.04 that will be online 24/7)
(OPTIONAL) WinSCP (https://winscp.net/eng/download.php)
Once you’ve logged in for the first time on your new Ubuntu Server you should always update your package lists from the repositories.
apt-get update
The LIZ Daemon needs some basic libraries in order to run. Let’s get them:
apt-get -y install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 autoconf make qt5-default libtool libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev autoconf libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libtool libdb5.3++ unzip libgmp-dev software-properties-common libgmp-dev
add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
apt-get update && apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libminiupnpc-dev
sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo nano /etc/fstab
At the bottom of the file, you need to add a line that will tell the operating system to automatically use the file you created:
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
Now it’s time to compile the daemon on your own. You'll need to create a SWAP file if your server is running with less than 1Gb of RAM.
git clone https://github.com/LIZ-project/lizus-core/
OR updating an existing LIZ
cd lizus-core && git pull
cd src
chmod 755 leveldb/*
make -f makefile.unix
Running the Daemon the first time will help us to create the basic folder structure and to check for errors.
/root/lizus-core/src/lizusd -daemon
Once you’ve run the Daemon for the first time - it will show you to setup a rpcuser and rpcpassword and close right after it - it has also created the folder structure where the blockchain and all config files are going to be. We want to edit those files now slightly but we’ll come back later for the finishing touch.
The easiest way is to use WinSCP to edit your conf-files. If you are somehow don’t want to use WinSCP follow these steps:
apt-get install nano
Nano is a great console-based text-editor.
nano /root/.lizus/lizus.conf
Let’s open the lizus.conf located in the .lizus folder. This folder was created by the daemon on the first run!
What goes inside the config?
Your configuration files gets read by the LIZ-Daemon on startup. There are a lot of things you can tweak, add or remove.
This is just a basic configuration for a simple masternode setup:
externalip={YOUR SERVER IP}
masternodeaddr={YOUR SERVER IP}
Save the config and let’s get over to the main-wallet.
In order to get the masternodes to run, we need to send 10.000 LIZ to an address we are just going to create. We use a system called “Cold-Wallet”. This system is meant for better security because actually your masternode won’t have any access to your wallet.
As you might’ve saw we need a “masternodeprivkey” - this key indicates a private key that is used by your wallet and the masternode.
In your Wallet-App go to: Help -> Debug Window.
masternode genkey
This will generate a private key - We need to add that key to the “masternodeprivkey”-field in the lizus.conf on the Ubuntu server.
Each masternode needs it’s own address. We are going to send 10.000 LIZ to this address later.
getaccountaddress MASTERNODE_01
You can change MASTERNODE_01 to whatever you want to name your masternode.
Save the address you’ve just generated for the next step. Sending 10.000 LIZ to the address
Let’s send 10.000 LIZ to that address. Yes - make sure this is only 10.000 LIZ. No less, no more.)
Wait for the transaction to have at least 15 confirmations before continuing.
For our local masternode-config we need to get the transaction id and following number.
Back into the main-wallets debugconsole enter:
masternode outputs
It will display a list of valid masternode transactions. If this is your first masternode there will be only one for sure.
The list contains a longer number (transaction ID) and a following number.
Save both of these somewhere for the next step.
We are almost there. Just a few lines to edit and we are able to start our masternode.
Open your local lizus.conf (You can find it in your appdata/roaming/lizus folder).
Make it look similiar to this:
Open your local masternode.conf (You can find it right where the lizusd.conf file is)
which should result in something like that:
MN_01 7123456789abcdefgh 987654321dcba 1
After editing all the files locally we need to get back to our Ubuntu Server and enter the “masternodeprivkey” and for sure start the daemon.
As written in the step where we’ve created the privkey, we need to add that to the lizus.conf on our server. Get back to that step if you are not sure how to open the config.
After adding the “masternodeprivkey” in we want to start the daemon.
/root/lizus-core/src/lizusd -daemon
The daemon should start minimzed. You’ll only see a message like this:
Lizus server starting
Once you’ve restarted your Wallet-App get back into the debugconsole and enter:
masternode start-alias {YOURMASTERNODENAME}
Congratulations. You’ve successfully setup a masternode on your own!