👋 Welcome to the repo for my personal website
Be yourself 🤙
For years I've overthought what others will think of my website 🤔
Then I had a thought that I found liberating...
This I write for myself, not for an audience
Tech stack: Convenient 📱
I'm using
and MDX (JSX enriched markdown) to make editing quick and easyI can edit content and redeploy it from the browser on my phone (which is nice)
Open source. Sure, why not? 🤗
I'm not showing off but I'm not hiding anything
You can clone the repo,
npm i
,npm run develop
and have this running at http://localhost:8000Or you can just dip in and steal the code you like. No worries
More me 🧶
dog.5b Instagram (artwork)
DC5B (side hustle)
Ledger (day job)
Feel free to browse the files, raise issues or suggest changes in any way you like 👍
Deploys to Netlify via commits to main
configured in Netlify