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OOP in Python, working with SQL and NOSQL dbs, fetching HTML data

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Advanced Python 3

This repository presents advanced usage of Python incl OOP (object-oriented programming) implementation, working with relational databases and NOSQL databases + fetching HTML data.


Projects covering Advanced Python using Python3.7 (Reviewed on 3.11).

  • classes in Python : association
  • classes in Python : inheritance
  • classes in Python : abstract classes and interfaces
  • fetching html data: BeautifulSoup
  • using sqlite database
  • using ORM: SQLAlchemy
  • working with MongoDB database

Classes association

Project which simulates shuffling of card deck (52 cards). You should print sorted deck of cards, after shuffle it and print again.

Class Card:

  • constructor __init__(self, suit, rank) sets the Card
  • overrided __str__(self) method prints card name, f.e. "jack of hearts"

Class Deck:

  • contains two lists of ranks and suits
  • constructor __init__(self) sets the Deck: creates list of 52 objects of class Card
  • method shuffle(self) shuffles cards in Deck using random
  • overrided __str__(self) method prints all cards in a deck

UML class diagram

Classes inheritance

Project with class hierarchy: reusing methods of base classes. *In Python it is not necessary to declare virtual methods

Class Shape:

  • 3 default fields: name of figure, area and perimiter
  • method ComputePerim(self) is virtual-like to be overrided in derived classes
  • method ComputeArea(self) is virtual-like to be overrided in derived classes
  • overrided __str__(self) method prints figure name and its calculated area and perimiter

Class Circle:

  • inherits from Shape
  • constructor __init__(self, radius) sets radius of circle
  • overrided method ComputePerim(self) calculates the perimeter of circle
  • overrided method ComputeArea(self) calculates the area of circle

Class Rectangle:

  • inherits from Shape
  • constructor __init__(self, width, height) sets width and height of rectangle
  • overrided method ComputePerim(self) calculates the perimeter of rectangle
  • overrided method ComputeArea(self) calculates the area of rectangle

Class Square:

  • inherits from Rectangle
  • constructor __init__(self, width) sets side of shape and calls the cinstructor of base class rectangle (constructor chaining).

UML class diagram

Declaration of abstract class and interface in python3
This task and UML class diagram were taken from C# / Java project to draw an analogy between OOP style in Python and OOP in C#/Java. From this case it's clear that interfaces in Python are a little bit useless: Python has a multiple inheritance, C#/Java - single

ABC (abstract class) is a part of Python Standart Library.
As for interfaces, module zope can be used.

pip install zope

Class HotDrink (abstract):

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
  • 2 protected fields: milk = 3, sugar = 3 (default values for derived classes)
  • 2 abstract properties: Milk, Sugar
  • 3 abstract methods: AddMilk, AddSugar, Drink
  • all class members which have @abstractmethod decorator MUST be overrided in child classes.
    Interface ICup:
from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
  • 2 properties
  • 2 methods.
    Class CupOfCoffee:
  • implements ICup interface
  • inherits abstract class HotDrink
  • has its own property BeanType: arabica or robusta
class CupOfCoffee(HotDrink):

Class CupOfTea:

  • implements ICup interface
  • inherits abstract class HotDrink
  • has its own property LeafType: green or black
class CupOfTea(HotDrink):

UML class diagram

BeautifulSoup + static content
Get Full Moon Calendar data from web site for 150 years. Every year is presented in separate page:, where X is a year. create table and insert fetched data fetched into sqlite database.

  1. Install packages:
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install requests

Beautiful Soup (bs4) = Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.
requests = HTTP library
sqlite3 = Python standard library contains the SQLite module.

  1. Create function which takes list of years and scrapes every of 150 pages. Every html-page consists of such span-block, f.e. for
<table class="table-calendar">
    <tr><td class="weekday">Saturday</td><td class="date">5 January 1901</td><td class="time">1:13:24 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Sunday</td><td class="date">3 February 1901</td><td class="time">4:29:42 pm</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Tuesday</td><td class="date">5 March 1901</td><td class="time">9:04:06 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Thursday</td><td class="date">4 April 1901</td><td class="time">2:20:06 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Friday</td><td class="date">3 May 1901</td><td class="time">7:18:42 pm</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;[/]</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Sunday</td><td class="date">2 June 1901</td><td class="time">10:52:42 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Tuesday</td><td class="date">2 July 1901</td><td class="time">12:17:36 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Wednesday</td><td class="date">31 July 1901</td><td class="time">11:33:42 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;[+]</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Thursday</td><td class="date">29 August 1901</td><td class="time">9:20:48 pm</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Saturday</td><td class="date">28 September 1901</td><td class="time">6:35:42 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Sunday</td><td class="date">27 October 1901</td><td class="time">4:06:12 pm</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;[*]</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Tuesday</td><td class="date">26 November 1901</td><td class="time">2:17:30 am</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="weekday">Wednesday</td><td class="date">25 December 1901</td><td class="time">1:15:48 pm</td><td class="notes">&nbsp;</td></tr>

We need to get class="table-calendar".

  1. You can find full csv dataset on my Kaggle page: Full Moon Calendar 1900-2050
  2. Before inserting data into database we need to convert date and time in one object: 5 January 1901 1:13:24 am -> 1901-01-05 01:13:24.

BeautifulSoup + static content
Fetch data from create folders with gemstones names and download images of them in each coresponding folder.

  1. Get the page with list of all gemstones and find HTML-element with them:
page = ''
resp = requests.get(page)
    if resp.status_code == 200:
        html = resp.text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
  1. Parse links to the pages of each gemstone and create a dictionary {gemstone name : link }

  2. Parse each page to get pictures of gemstones


You can find full gemstones images dataset from multiple sources on my Kaggle page: Gemstones Images

BeautifulSoup + dynamic content
Fetch data about any Youtube video

  1. Create a text file with a list of links to youtube videos.
  2. Parse every web-page and get title, description, channel_name, channel_url, date_published.

BeautifulSoup + SQLite
Fetch data from city + period and put it into database using ORM sqlalchemy v2

  1. Get example page weather in Moscow 14 days and find HTML-element with class widget-items.
  2. Get day of week, date, description, temperature (max), temperature (min), wind (m/s), wind direction, precipitation, humidity, radiation.
  3. Create class Weather with corresponding fields.
  4. Create SqlAlchemy Engine (connection), SqlAlchemy Table with 10 columns and mapper between class Weather and SqlAlchemy Table.
  5. Process data from site to be string, date, float etc and put it into database. Aware of duplicates.

Working with nosql database using python
basic operations working with MongoDB using pymongo.

pip install pymongo

opt: download and install GUI Compass

The sample database is weather.json. Import data into MongoDB instance and check the collection: Schema -> Analyze.

Using Compass check data:

{"airTemperature.value": 3}
{"airTemperature.value": {$gt: 10}}
{"wind.type": {$ne: "N"}}
{"atmosphericPressureChange" : {$exists: true}}

Simple examples of CRUD operations in MongoDB using pymongo: insert_one (insert_many), find, update_one (update_many), delete_one (delete_many).
All these methods expect dictionary/dictionaries as a parameter(s).


OOP in Python, working with SQL and NOSQL dbs, fetching HTML data







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